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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
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Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Good morning all. Cough a bit looser today but still feel iffy. Thanks for your words of encouragement. When I told my Steady he said get off to bed but lying down seems make my cough worse. Only five days to go!

Jno I once tried to sort out my family tree but have to admit I got a bit fed up. I really wanted to find my great grandma who was Irish but no record should be found. I've traced my great grandad back to the 1700s but that was that.
good morning.

Yes jude laying does seem to make the cough worse, you have to prop yourself up. I'm still having to blow my nose a lot and that's since January.

Had a good night's sleep apart from having to let mousey in and out but I don't seem to remember doing it.

Big hoohaa on the island as the traffic cops are having a purge on the UK plated cars and drivers, one chap has been fined 500€ for having one parked outside his house. And so it should, abide by the rules I say (hark at me, the original rebel!)

My computer is slow, but probably cos I have so many films on it, will have to clear some things.

Hope Robi is feeling ok and woofy's back is better, and the rest of us are OK!
Morning're right about the coughing Jude, I might as well have stayed up and looked for twigs on my family tree...tut. One of them might have hidden a cure for the common cold somewhere.

Bit grey at the moment but they're saying it's going to be a mild spring-like day... yeh, right which case I'm expecting to spot the first woman of the year in a strappy t-shirt and man in camouflage shorts with socks and trainers. I think there should be a purge on those.
Am out in (old) yeti boots and a cape from Tescos, look like it should be cold but its not really.
Oh look, David Attenborough has been observing nature in the raw in Sochi...

Jude, finding Irish ancestors is impossible. Most of the records were deliberately burned in the 1916 revolt (I think it was). Someone even got the Ulster Historical Society to look up ours, and they got back exactly one generation before they emigrated.
I mowed my legs today, I was starting to grow my own yeti boots. I've got Clarks shoes following me around, I fancy some soft loafers for the spring.

lol jno, I'll pass that to Tarquin, he's been watching the winter olympics... and skimping on the baby care....

Well Jno, all Americans seem to find their Irish ancestors.
Hi Jno thanks for the info about the Irish it did make me think. The worse part was her name was McGrath and there must be millions of them. I can't even find a marriage certificate even though I know where in India she was married.

Did you see the British Men's curling team's final stroke in the quarter final. It was brilliant. They could try to knock out 1 to force an extra end or to knock out 2 to win. Which is what they did.
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Morning all
Dull but dry.Hope the snuffle wuffles are getting better.
Nothing going on here .If I can get myself going we may go into town later.
Had to cancel hair appointment today so dread to think what it'll be like when I get another one.

That's such a cute photo Robi. Brought a smile to my face!
good morning, its sort of overcast bright and very springlike here. Am having coffee and letting my back unscrew itself before I start work. Yes I think lying down is the worst thing for c cough, better to sit up, even sleep sitting up. Neti, you are like me, rules are excellent things for other people but not for me!!
woo, here comes the sun...chin up Jude, hopefully you'll feel better for the weekend. The thing that's putting me off going out is that I sometimes cough until I choke...and when I sneeze I have to bend in half, cross everything and hold my eyeballs and teeth in embarrassing.
terribly embarrassing when your eyeballs fly out though isn't it?
yep woofy, you can't find your teeth
I wee merrily when coughing and the occasional bottom burp! But I still maintain my sexy image !!!! hahahaha!

Actually found some duraglit (copy of) so can polish up my metals.

Just tried on my two guest wedding outfits (the old pink and the old turquiose) and they fit very well again, pink still a bit tight but cos it has layers it doesn't notice, well pleased!!
Lol Robi and Neti. I'm sneezing for England. Mind you if my great grand mother was Irish does that make me a quarter Irish. ;-).

I've done all I feel like doing today. That's tidying up and watching the Winter Olympics. I bet you can't believe I've been here as much as I have today. I haven't been out at all much since Friday and I'm not getting withdrawal feelings. In fact my diary's empty. Luckily the children are on half term so I haven't let them down today.
My telly hasn't been off for days. I've even had it on during the night when I couldn't sleep. Crazy..
After lovely morning it's going to be showery and it's clouding over already.
Off now for another drink. Laters 'gaters.
tch!! silly me, when we redid the lounge, I got rid of all the silver ware. so just one thing was left to polish, I did do Mum's old companion set which has come up nicely!!
Irish people always assume I'm Irish...or ask if I am. Nothing would surprise me.

I keep doing a bit and stopping a lot. I thought a short spell outside would do me good....haha... thought I was going to need cpr. I think I need a gentle exercise routine before I contemplate pottering in the garden.
Can't see jno's film "The uploader has not made this available in your country" grr
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Well that was all very unexciting .We had a Bogof burger meal .Mr S. went home and I thought I'd have a look round the shops .Big mistake .Made it as far as the 99p shop and bought some hand cream ,hips and knees wouldn't let me go any further so got the bus home .I'd forgotten it was half term. Ankle snappers everywhere !

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