Morning all...I'm in a really scratchy, tetchy irratble mood and I don't know why. Maybe because there's a howling wind again and, apart from the sun trying to peep through black clouds, it's been very dark.
lol jno....I was talking to some elderly relatives a few years ago and said I wondered if some of the ancestors had run a bawdy house. It was met with 'Oh no, I doubt that, they were church ministers'.... hhhmmm? it's always the ones you least suspect.
I always watch Casualty and Holby and they're often sad Jude. (haha, I just called you Dude, must be my sinusses). Did you work out the male nurse with marital probs had actually been having a fling with Tess
and not an agency nurse as he'd told his wife. Tess got pregnant and had an abortion.