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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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We had potato salad and frikadellen .I've got indigestion now from the onions. It's been a lovely sunny day here but cold and I haven't felt warm all day .Now I've started sneezing .I hope it's not the lurgy so am going to bed with a hwb and hot blackcurrant tea and read my book .Oight Oight .
Lol...Robinia .I often wonder why I get funny looks .
Oight oight all. I've just watched Casualty which isn't a regular habit and it made me cry!
Just watched "True Detective" quite good but slow and I couldn't hear it very well. Just had a naughty choc ice!

Sleep well all of you. Whatsapp went down but back now apparently, but not mine yet! :-(

Oight oight x
oh, it's the talk of the townhereabouts, neti

until it all goes Pete Tong...
My life has all gone a bit Pete Tong!
have found some long-ago relatives who ran a workhouse; at least it wasn't a bawdy house. Well, I think it might be time for bed.
Morning all...I'm in a really scratchy, tetchy irratble mood and I don't know why. Maybe because there's a howling wind again and, apart from the sun trying to peep through black clouds, it's been very dark.

lol jno....I was talking to some elderly relatives a few years ago and said I wondered if some of the ancestors had run a bawdy house. It was met with 'Oh no, I doubt that, they were church ministers'.... hhhmmm? it's always the ones you least suspect.

I always watch Casualty and Holby and they're often sad Jude. (haha, I just called you Dude, must be my sinusses). Did you work out the male nurse with marital probs had actually been having a fling with Tess
and not an agency nurse as he'd told his wife. Tess got pregnant and had an abortion.
Good morning from a bright and sunny white island although a tad chilly.

Mr N is mending the cooker hood and lights as he found it impossible to cook in there yesterday (well he did manage but has realised it is not perfect!) so am keeping out of the way, new lights will show up the dirt I expect.

I feel chipper today back to my normal self.

Jude hope you are feeling better and eating a bit, still take it easy as you wear us lot out anyway!

Robi hope you are better also, you've been unwell for a while now.

.........and to the rest of the biddies I send my best wishes for a lovely day!
Snap Robi, we crossed posts!
and btw, there does not seem to be a blue rinse in sight, thank heavens, just a whiter shade of pale.
Some dramatic silver here...birches against very dark skies
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Morning all
It's blowing a gale out there again .Hope it's not more storms on the way .
Hope you're all ok though .Nothing exciting to report .

we've got birches next door but they're swamped with ivy a good 40 feet high, so I went in last week and chopped chunks out of the stems near the ground - too thick to get my hand around. It'll probably be months before it all starts to die higher up. The neighbour's in Saudi 10 months of the year so he won't mind me trying to save his garden.

A bit dull out there but we might go and do... something. I'm getting weary of ancestors, but I've got all these free trials to genealogy websites - is free this weekend, if anyone's interested.
I might have a squint at that later jno, thanks. The thing is there was this alleged jiggery-pokery with the surnames so I suspect we'll never know a lot.

Yes, it's often the ivy that topples trees in gales, it gets very heavy, it's what brought a neighbour's tree crashing into next door's garden.
btw, I can see those birches from my window, they're not just random pics, lol.
I read jno's post without glasses and thought it said we have bitchrs next door! Well, I thought that's bit strong Jno.

Kitchen light works fine much better but now no canopy or extractor fan, not that I ever used it!
OH's grandparents came from Latvia or some such and on entering UK were given "easier" surnames, so doubt we could trace them, although OH has inherited some monies from the Israelie government as they bought family land off them in 1954 and have been tracing the rellies ever since. So through this alone OH has found many long lost and never known about cousins.
b1tches next door, 40 ft high....? haha..
Horrible day, I think I'll do a bit of flashing or brass knob polishing.
Cleaning abandoned, wish I'd not're right shaney, bring back Flash powder. I swear this flash with febreeze leaves an odd smell behind, I don't think it's my snuffly nose, I've noticed it before. And....did you know that jif/cif/splif cream goes off? oh blimey, it own fault for buying the big size and not using it very often. :)
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Oh Bless..she was 99 .A good age .
I can't stand that Flash febreezey stuff ..makes the place smell like a bawdy house I use cheapo from Lidl now. Same with fab softener ,some of them smell so sickly.
I'm not in a good humour today for some reason.I've got a broll on as Mother used to say :)

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