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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Beautiful day here, was sweltering on the bus, got such a runny nose, must be the pollen! Have just had to fill in loads of forms in Spanish (used google translate to get almost right!) and have been advised to ask for a new phone not the old one back as it is taking just too long to repair. Must be worrying me as I dreamed Mr N and I were in a chinese hostel but my part was better!!!
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Oh Gawd ...neti has morphed into Hickory Holler's Tramp :)
OOEERRR!!! I HAVE NOT!! i was plagarising the song, that's all, how very dare you!!!!
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Lol...I've got a bloomin' earworm now .
Whatever next. Neti singing to us. Shaney with ear worm!
Irefuse to moan any more after today. Going to get it all out today.
Here goes. Coughing, aching, sore throat, w****g for England, nausea, weakness, pain in right kidney, sore eyes, nausea, cold feet, no appetite, aching hands. That's done - I now promise not to moan again.

My mobile contract is due for renewal next month so Neti give me a clue what phone to look for.

Hope everyone else is ok. Robi improving and all aches and pains sent on their way.

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Blimey, that sounds awful Jude .I would go back to the doctors if I were you especially as you say you have pain in the kidney area .
Keep warm and drink plenty of fluids.Hope you feel better soon .
Oh lawdy, I'll be singing it now. I don't mind, my mum loved it, we always had the radio on.

It's a lousy rotten virus Jude. A friend who's suffering told me yesterday his doc said it's a flu bug. I still don't feel right so we'll have a collective I was brushing my teeth this morning I suddenly started to topple to the left, I nearly ended up head first down the bath plughole. :)
Yes!!! punches the air and jumps high!! I knew it would become an ear worm, I think it started as one with me today!!

Oh jude a Samsung note 3 would be good but I am striving for a samsung Mega but way too expensive,they are like a phablet! (phone and tablet!) I have just resurrected my old Monte Carlo, as I do love it, it works OK for all things internet but when receiving calls the called cannot hear what I say, not that anyone calls me ever! but just in case.

Have just cleaned bathroom and washed all the mats and towels etc. then hoovered through the villa, but as it's a small place it doesn't take 10 mins, especially now that I have found that Henry can stay plugged in all the way!
what does jude men by w****g? Have absolutely no idea, and I am sure it's not too rude!!
men??? mean!!
weeing...I hope!

Eh?! You can clean the whole place from one plug? In that case your status as domestic goddess is hereby terminated.
But it's a very big plug - please don't demote me!!!

Ah yes, the old biddy curse - the weeing!!!
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Lol...I wish I could vacuum round here in 10 mins . It's more like ten hours with frequent stops for a sit down . I have been known to string it out for a week :)
I did do a bit of titivating today though .I wandered about with my microfibre cloth and shined up the blue and white .What's for tea ?
Chicken supreme here with rice .
lol shaney, I've been doing a bit, stopping a lot again....what's for tea? Probably fish and chips hand thrown into the oven :)
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Ooh ..I love fish and chips . My favourite meal .James Martin did them yesterday on his Home Comforts .I was drooling .He's doing braised stuff and suet puds today .I'll drool later on catch up .
cous cous for Mr N (well, he likes it!) and I will have fried tomatoes on toast with vinegar and a touch of mint, delicious!!!!
wel,, I put some water in the car radiator and it was on its best behaviour on the way to the garage, so maybe that was all it neded, but it still has to be investigated for leaks because it shouldn't suddenly boil dry. Plus I have installed a new printer, which took ages because it refused to recognise its own ink cartridges till I wagged my finger at it and switched it off to give it time to reconsider the error of its ways, then switched it back on again. That did the trick, as usual.

Can people not talk about fish and chips please, they are becoming a mouthworm, if there is such a thing. I can smell the vinegar and Worcester sauce.
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Oooh don't mention printers .I've found out how to print on this new Windows doodah but it doesn't give me any properties ,such as ink running out and paper alignment etc .I have to do it manually from the printer which means down on hands and knees on the floor with a torch as it's on a shelf underneath the desk .
I may sabotage it then we can buy a new one :)
my ex-printer claimed there was a paper jam (there wasn't, I had to practically take it apart to check), the cartridges were loose, there wasn't any paper, and the ink was out of date (I only put a new cartridge in last week). And this was all in one printing job. It is now sitting in the middle of the floor where I may drop a hammer on it.
It must be printer week, mine is refusing to find my laptop!
another busy day today, oight oight all.

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