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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
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Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Last George? only 4 episodes then? The young detective looks like Mr N did when younger!!
well, I've just bought a frying pan, so this is the obvious thread to announce it... It has a ribbed bottom, and it was £8 in Tesco, which doesn't sound like anything much but I remember 20 years ago we couldn't get the ribbed ones for love nor money. We used to go to France and stock up there, along with coconut chocolate and sirop de menthe and suchlike for adding to sparkling water.
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Well done Jno ...fillet steak for me please ....rare .
A few chips and some salad on the side while you're at it :)
Ooh, corrugated crepes for tea then.

It's turned very cold. :(
Hi there! Have to say I'm quite looking forward to GG tonight. That's better than last nights crip!
I'm glad I wasn't the only one in cba mood today. Mind you I did give the kitchen floor a 'bottoming' and it's sparkling mow. Took the vacuum upstairs but not switched it on yet. But time will tell. Maybe in the morning.
One piece of good news my hair dresser has fitted me in on Sat. morning. So haircut here I come! Bless her!
Hope you're feeling better now Robi.
I usually buy my pans from Asda Jno. I just use them and use them then chuck them away!

Hope you all have a good night.
that's very prodigal of you, Jude, I am so programmed never to waste anything that I use pans long after their non-stick has changed to stick (which my current one has) and then I donate them to science, in case NASA wants to try launching a ribbed frying pan to Mars.
I cba today either, all this jetsetting on the local buses does get to one you know!!

Made s/sour chicken with veg and noodles and fried rice and we have a delis ice cream and caramel cake for afters, naughty but nice!!

Yes gone jolly cold here too, although I daresay you lot would think it hot.

When I first came here we had a corrugated pan and we did toast on it as here there were no such things as leccy toasters in those days, crickey didn't even have a fridge as they were very few and far between. When a spanish family got one, they would stick it in the front room and sit round it!! and passers by could look in the open front door and see it!!

Just had a bath and still singing that damned Alma Cogan eskimo thingy.
I feel bad throwing away frying pans as mine as usually from England and thus very precious, but when they really are useless I put them in the outside cupboard, just in case, then forget all about them, and then they were thrown away a couple of weeks ago in the general clear up!!
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I'm still waiting for me chips but I expect Jno is to busy admiring the pan :)
I threw odds and ends from the fridge into a pan tonight and shoved an egg on top .
I had a clue today in my crossie ,the answer for which was Griddle cake .
I stared and stared at the answer to the crossing clue until I realised I had put in Griddle cack .Tut ..100 lines for bad spelling :)
So it's all pans and griddles today !
Oight oight lovelies ,sleep toight .
cold here too. I was supposed to be getting a haircut today bu we had a thuderstorm with hail and the dogs freaked so I phoned and cancelled. Lovely lady can fit me in tomorrow instead. I always used to buy quality pans but find them too heavy now. Cheapos are much lighter.
any of you folk seeing the northern lights tonight? They're supposed to be good, but I am too far south.
nothing here, but if I were any souther I would go splosh and start swimming except i can't swim.
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Nothing here Jno although it's a clear night .Few stars .Just the light of the streetlamp :)
too much light around London to see anything dimmer than the moon, really.
if you look at the slide show on the top right of this

one of the photos is from Norfolk
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That could be up in North Norfolk Jno ,they are further towards the north as the crow flies .We're out on the edge . Lovely pictures. I just went out to the bin and it is a very starry night here .You can see it better out the back as it's pitch black out there as opposed to the lights at the front .
Cue a song ....and some lovely pictures.
one of my favourite songs
here's another
d'oh puta crashed...I've a feeling it's this site.

Morning frilly's soo cold, a real feel of minus 3C I think it said first thing.
Glad you feel better Jude, I'm gathering speed but I've still got the sinus thing going on...I'll have to fill a jet washer with sterimar.

My pans have to soldier on to the bitter end but I did actually throw away some sad looking baking trays last ones are only a pound from Iceland for pity's sake.
I didn't look out at the starry night, it was all I could do to keep my eyes open to watch GG...hope there are some more, I didn't get into it until last series (the first one was about N. Soul music and that caught my eye).

Think I'll have to put in a cosmic order :) User Recommendation

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Morning all
Colder this morning but dry .Hope you're all Ok .
GG was very good .The DVD's are a bit steep Robinia .Perhaps they'll come down in price later .It's a shame you didn't see it from the very first one .
I'm still using the saucepans we got as a wedding present ! If I wanted to replace one now I'd have to put in a cosmic order too.
Morning all.
Was sunny at 7am but chilly and overcast..

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