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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
try this
good morning, I slept well. Hope you did eventually woofy, is sister still there?

Lovely sunny day today.
Carnaval today (Spanish spelling) but I dont we will bother.
Morning...not a bad day so far so I've thrown a throw in the washer.
Yesterday was chilly but just glorious so I actually pottered about in the garden for a while. It was lovely to be outside. I might be on the lookout for a new gardener... any recommendations Jude?... mine let me down at the end of the season. If he'd called to say he couldn't make it or didn't want to do it any longer I'd have been ok, I'm a grown up...but to just not show up is cowardly and I don't entertain lily livered men....pah!

I couldn't get to sleep either, my own fault, I ate late and stayed up 'til I was past being tired.
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Morning all
Lovely and sunny atm but chilly .Hope it stays that way after yesterdays rain .
Hope you're all ok .
You and me both Robinia .My gardener has packed up as his is wife is very poorly. He does my brothers lawns too so we're both having to look for someone else.
earworm slithering through .... :)

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Lol...brilliant .
It's getting snitty in Q&P ..hahaa...even the medic is having his fourpennorth .
I'm saying nowt :)
lol shaney....just let em get on with it and chill out
arternoon all!!

Just bck from lovely paella lunch and wine! Loads of people dressed in carnival outfits, I felt quite left out!!!

Love that song thingy Robi.

Off to continue watching Royal cousins at war, I am enjoying it.
well well, I've just found a distant relative who was beaten to death by her husband, with a sausage.
well we used to call the draught stopper the sausage...the only deadly thing was when we tripped over it coming in and skidded across the floor because our mum had been polishing again.
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Oh I say Jno ..I bet she felt the wurst for that .
lol @ shaney!

Watched that cousins at war, I was getting my tsars mixed up with kaisers and Kings and Russia and Prussia, but I enjoyed it and then I slept!
husband seems to have been a bad lot - attacked his first wife, killed the second and probably the third as well - she was never found. And apparently he's due out of jail soon. Good grief.
Oh scary, I hereby sever all ties with Jno!
hello all,bad night last night, little sleep and lots of thinking. Nice day today though, we went shopping and bought cake. :) oight oight all
jno thank you for the post...but from a distance.......
shaney your jokes are the wurst. My Nan had a door sausage Robi but ir wa fastened to the bottom of the door with a huge loop of elastic. Neti you should have worn your onesie to lunch.
Oight oight my lovelies, big wave to Lottie and a spray of disinfectant in Jude's direction
yes, I'm frankfurter say I never heard such a joke, shaney.

Well, more bloodshed tomorrow as I lose a tooth, wish me luck.
Good morning. Am sitting in the Consumers office waiting to denounce shop. Had a bad night myself. Most unusual but cba to turn computer on to yell you. I rarely get up if I can't sleep, Mr N gets up to read in hijas room.

It is very windy today, branches all over the place, I got the bus in again.
Good luck jno one less gnasher, hope the toof fairy visits you.
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Morning all
Lovely sunny day after a bit of a stormy night .
Good luck at the dentist Jno .Be brave !
Back home and making turkey soup and turkey, ham and mushroom pie (yes lefte over from xmas!)

Have done the denuncia re my phone, now let's see what happens. Also our phone company is giving us all a free samsung mobile which we do not need, but yes we are getting one, I insist, even though Mr N has to trail to the shop to sign for it with his hands all covered in cement and whatever.

Bought a pair of suede(ish) ankle high trainers, well it's getting a bit much for boots everyday!

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