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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 14:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Hope that make up doesn't wash off...Haha. I'd like to bet if I went all the way to Ibiza, dressed up in an animal suit and danced in the streets I'd be spotted by Mrs Judgemental Snobbington Smythe from down the road here... but hopefully she'd be dressed up too, lol.
some useful self-defence tips here...
Home again, am shattered, feet and hips are killing me. No one recognised me so I only had to speak to the people I wanted to! The kids in the parade kept staring at me, it should be the other way round. It was on my bucket list so had to do it.
That's the good thing about living here Robi, no ones cares if you do or if you don't. I was in disguise and it was good. How I managed to dance all night in Pacha last July I'll never know, I am sooo tired. Have served dinner and washed up, bathed and now in bed.
I suppose it is after 8 and all little zebras should be tucked up in their striped pyjamas.
Tucked up - tick
Pj's - tick
Striped - NO
Tic - tick

Well I bet zebras get lots of them :)
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Lol....I'm going to bed in my animal print jarmies :)
Goodnight folks .
Good morning all. Not very sunny here.

I was so tired last night then the silly cat awoke me at 3.99 by bouncing on the bed so I trotted off to let her out but she wasn't having any of it, just stayed plonked in the middle of the bed (which I hate), so I went to the bathroom and then both Mr N and I read for a bit, having a lie in today with a cuppa and Sky news. A quiet day methinks.
Mornin' all...dull and cold, one forecast says sunny, one says not..My head's in barometer mode and has been pounding since the pressure started to rise yesterday....tut.

"cat awoke me at 3.99"....does every hour have a price on Ibiza neti? Got to try and move myself, hopefully I'll be back by 50% off.
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Morning all
Lovely morning .Still chilly though but it is only March .
Hope you're all ok .
I sent for some rose hip capsules in the vague hope that they may help my arthritics .They're like great horse pills ! I've just had to psyche myself up to swallow three of them
time is money here in the big city, but the sky is £100 clear at the moment and there's a rather chilly special offer on sun.
I wonder if sickly roses get given human hip capsules? Mine wouldn't do them much good.
Hahaha silly me. I meant 3.59. Too much carnival.
No energy today. The village was also very quiet, everyone is suffering the after effects of the carnival I think!

Making pork sate with noodles for me (comfort food) and Mr N (who doesn't much like pork chops) is having pork chops with mixed sauteed veg.
well, nice and sunnyish outside, and I went to Waitrose. What a life I lead! And I don't even have a onesie, I had to go as me.
I had two offers to buy my onesie yesterday, and I think I agreed but have changed my mind so am laying low!
A shirt costs 97€ - you borrow 50€ from mum and 50 € from Dad. You buy the shirt with the 100€ and get 3€ change, you give mum 1€ and Dad 1€ and yourself 1€. You now owe Mum 49€ and Dad 49€. 49+49 = 98€ and you still have 1€ which equals 99€ - where has the other 1€ gone to ?

Help solve this please!!!!
Hi all. I'm back in the land of the living at last. Will catch up in a while. It's been Tai chi yesterday and school today so have plenty to do at the mo. See yer later!
er, right, I hope that's got hija's finances sorted out. The main thing is the 1€ is one of the things you have got, along with the shirt. The 49€+49€ are the things you haven't got because you owe them. To find out where you are, you don't add debt to cash in hand, you subtract it.

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