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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Finally we got it, what idiots but as my granddad said I was more ornamental than functional! I knew it was something to do with the 3€ but couldn't for the life of me work it out. She's looking pretty good in Barca now explaining it!
oh well, I couldn't explain it in Catalan. Or even in Matalan.
I'm at the very primark end of the maths line..............
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According to the local news earlier we are going to basking in warm sunshine this weekend and it will be warmer than Ibiza .Does this mean that I have to buy a onesie ?
Yes shaney and you have to paint your face and parade up and down the High street clutching a glass of vino reddo.
my computer is having conniptions and slowing to a crawl at the moment, and if it doesn't get better I may not be around much until I can get Stan to come and fix it, which may be a while if he's shot off to Bulgaria on holiday again and not told anyone, as he did last year. (Good repairman when he's here, though.)
aha... Google maps have overlaid their London map with an 1895 Ordnance Survey map so you can use a slider to fade in and out between the two. And what do I find? That 120 years ago my house was built over a pond on a farm. No sloshing wonder I've had to put drains in the garden.
Morning all...a grey drizzly day in paradise but at least I won't feel I'm missing anything. I lost most of yesterday with the bloomin headache and today I feel like a human cannonball who missed the landing net.
Hey ho, for every mood there's a onesie

My house used to be farmland and a track for horses apparently. I've dug up farm type ironmongery over the years, gate hinges, horseshoes etc....let's hope the farmer doesn't surface one day.
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Moaning all.
Dull day so far although Accu say sunny .The fibbers!
Lol, Robinia ....sloth mode .
Hello all, have dropped sis off at the coach station and its very quiet here. While she was here we have shopped massively, chosen the carpet and paint for my bedroom, sorted out the attic, relaid a very heavy manhole cover and generally had fun.
Morning (or not) all. Didn't get up til 10am (after having seen to Mr N at 7am which involved me asking for some coffee money !) Met my gbf who apparently had a dream about the two of us ballroom dancing, hope that is not an euphenism!! Was spring like and sunny so was in spring like clothes but is very dark and overcase now, just having washed the bedding, most of which is dry, just the black sheet and pillowslips to hang out. Am making a dreadful mess eating a crispy baquette with salad cream and sliced toms, sliding everywhere!!

Oh woofy what colour is the bedroom going to be??
grey Neti, very pale grey walls, silver grey carpet and a new darker grey quilt and fur throw.
Oh nice woofy, "No entry dog area?"
of course not! polyprop stain resistant carpet and machine washable bedding!
yes of course not! I wish mine was a cat free zone, but she's old and old habits die hard. Never again, Mousey dribbles, yuk!
Robi our villa was built on rock and rock and yet more rock, no foundations, no damp proof course, rock and mud walls, like a cave really!!!
Oh dear I burnt the carrot, coriander, orange and onion soup, but after a lot of sieving (sp?) it turned out OK and then Spanish style macarronis, very nice too.
....and then there was one.....
sorry Neti, been turning out the kitchen and tossing things like old flour. Had scallops and pea puree and a glass of wine for dinner, very nice.

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