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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 14:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Pie and soup made, inheritance forms for Israel finally and hopefully sorted ready for posting tomorrow, washing done and blowing in the breeze, kitchen a mess, just having a cuppa.
At the office of the consumers I forgot to take a photocopy of the receipt for the phone, so she said I had to go down the road to get one, as she said they do not do photocoping, so I sat there looking at her, and she got up and went to another room and photocopied my receipt, I'm confused!
just made onion and cheese straws.
mths nmb. nxt wk rt cnls.
Poor jno why do you put yourself through all this??
Good evening all, it's been a grand day after a frozen start. ...not quite mild enough to go without a coat but there's always one..or more.
Oh dear jno, hope you haven't got a fat face, you won't be wanting one of my ginger nuts then.
face no longer numb but socket still intermittently bleeding a little though I'm stuffing it with cotton rolls wrapped with gauze as instructed. Oh well, not a big problem but I may have to pass up dinner and sleep on a plastic sheet :-(
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Oh poor Jno ..I hope it soon eases off for you.
It's been a lovely day here .Picky came over and carted a load of rubbish to the tip for us ,so I thought that deserved a roast dinner.
Blood test for me in the morning ,just the usual thyroid etc .
Oight Oight folks .
socket has sealed up nicely overnight, it is a nice sunny day and I am going to go out and do something. I think I have put every relative I know of onto the Family Tree programme, so that job is finished unless I bump into any long-forgotten aunts in Waitrose.
Morning all, frosty and frozen again but lovely and bright. Hope you had a trouble free night jno, I hate the first sleep after having a tooth out.

Pleased to see you're all up and running already
oh, crossed paths there jno...pleased you're healing well, go easy on the pancakes.
I can't think of anything to say, I'm laughing too much....brilliant :)

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Morning all
Lovely out and it looks nice for the foreseeable future according to Accu .
Wall to wall sunshine on the monthly outlook in my neck of the woods.
Not exactly boiling hot but the sunshine is more than welcome .
Hope you're all ok today .Glad it's healed up nicely Jno.
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Lol...I do that every morning Robinia :)
Morning all or rather good afternoon. Was oout early this am to meet Mr N for him to sign for the free mobile, as the contract is in his name, it's a nice Samsung Galaxy Young, quite small, wish my sim would fit in it! but it goes with hija's phone :-(

Then I pottered about the viullage until my gbf came and we had laugh but it is so windy and chilly I couldn't hang around for too long.

That link will be me this afternoon at the carnaval, got all my zebra stuff ready, Mr N absolutely refuses to meet me if I am wearing it. Tough!!
freezer looks like a bull charged job done, 99 more to do. Why does everything take so much longer than you thought it would?

That video gets funnier every time I watch it...well done that person who realised the Benny Hill theme would fit their dancing.

The onesie is huge, keep tripping over it!

Am off now - laters>>>>
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I'm sure you'll wow them Neti ...don't go too near anybody dressed as a lion.
You might end up being mauled :)
You are to be admired .You would never get me to dress up and dance around the streets in a million years ...have a lovely time .

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