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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Yes they are a lot of wonga shaney...I've added them to my 'wish list' so that I can keep an eye on the price. We've got a lot of dark, cold nights with booger all on the tele to come yet. I keep looking at knitting sites but then I think 'I can buy a jumper for less than that' and end up leaving it.
Is it time for a tea break yet? I've been slapping some smalls, gloves and scarves on a rock.
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I bought the Sirdar Bumper Books of Accessories numbers 1 and 2 a while ago .Quite nice things to knit ,scarves,gloves,snoods ,wristwarmers etc.For children up to adult .
You only need one ball for some of the things .
I'm just going to watch Phil Vickery pot roast a chicken .
sorry was short and sweet, I was suddenly surrounded by several gay men friends so had a bit of a social coffee morning.

Am doing little odd things at home which need doing, and renewing the spine of my satchel bag, which appeared easy but isn't. I inserted a ruler which was a very good idea, but it slides all over the flap which defeats the object so am handstitching it in place. Not easy and certainly not tidy stitching, I would machine it but do not have the right coloured cotton so it would show! Honestly you'd think an £8 handbag from Primark would be better than this :-)
Pollen seems to have abated, still little parches but the yellow path has gone! so no more O C Smith!!
Have finished sewing the bag and it works well, sewing is a bit odd!! Jabbed the wrong finger a couple of times cos the needle slipped off the thimble, nuisance!!

Off to make beef stew!

Carnival this Sunday in Ibiza town but we'll probably avoid it. Big procession here on Tuesday when I shall wear my zebra onesie!!
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Zebra Onesie ? That I would love to see :)))
Do you have a matching bag Neti
Ummm, thinks to self! N0 but shall wear a small one crossed over on body cos of pickpockets and I need my hands free for waving and dancing!!
I will put on a piccy of me in it, if it comes to pass.
Just looking at the M&S website, looking for a dress for wedding, aren't they awful, even Twiggy looks older than me (I?) tried to look at pants and bras but it kept going elsewhere so gave up. Will stick to going to the shop! Love the idea of their insotel@ (?) high heels, meant for comfort, hope I can find the right colour in the shops.
spanish tv is now showing the pairs figure skating, thought I had missed it.
maybe you could wear a bumbag under the onesie if it isn't too figure-hugging?
...and have to unzip it all the way down to my bum to get my phone!!!
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Marks and Sparks have got some awful stuff this season and Twiggy doesn't look her usual self at all ,here .
I think M&S will be in trouble before long if they don't pull up their thermal socks.

Well there's always sommat as my mum used to say....Ozzy has a problem with one of his eyes. When he first started describing it I thought he was going to say the vitreous detachment that I had but it's CSR(Central serous retinopathy), something to do with the fluid in the eye but not nice. Hopefully it will right itself over time but it can be nasty. What a worry and so far away :(
I found holes in two of my thermal socks today... fortunately the pairs were identical so I was able to throw them out and keep their twins. I hope this doesn't mean I'm wearing two left socks, I'd be so embarrassed if anyone on the train noticed.
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That doesn't sound very nice at all Robinia.I looked it up .Hope it soon clears up for him and he's getting some treatment .On specsavers it says it can resolve itself without any lasting effects .
Nobody will notice you are wearing two left socks Jno :)
I once went to work in one black shoe and one navy shoe .They were the same style though

Bedtime for this old biddy. Early doors for the market in the morning .
Oight Oight all .
blimey....she looks normal!!
sorry to hear about Ozzy, Robi, i will add him to my prayers.
neti, if Twiggy can wear what she wants, why shouldn't you wear a zebra onesie? its cooooold here tonight with icy roads forecast for tomorrow morning.
deeply unimpressed with m and s ladies wear atm, but have just got a fabbo jacket and jumper out of the men's north coast range. they are doing fleece lined hoodies in lovely colours too. much too nice to let the blokes have it all.
anyway oight oight all, feel better tomorrow you poorlies
Oight oight all.
Just a little relapse today. A tickle on the other side of my throat making me cough so badly. I feel like I'm choking. Have to have a drink with me all the time. Sorry wasn't going to mention it again.

Hope all with ailments don't feel like I do. Very much better would be good.
See you tomorrow in a better frame of mind all being well. Have been invited to a party and me going isn't very likely.

Oight oight again from Moaning Minnie!
well, that sounds harsh, an ailment with "serious" as part of its name, but apparently it's often temporary. They should rename it "Central lookitupinWiki retinopathy".

Jude, I hope you're feeling better in the morning. I'm still feeling about 10% clogged up, as I have been for days - it won't come out and it won't go away, so I just splutter now and then.
good morning.

Jude just take it easy, I'll go to the party for you!!

Robi, oh dear it's a worry isn't it, I have no idea what it is, but hopefully it'll sort itself out.

Balearic Day here today so Mr N not working, I think the shops are open though.

Chilly and cloudy here today.

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