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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Oooh yellow snow, we were warned never to touch the stuff! white/grey was fine
Raining now, rivers of pollen streaking on the tiles, looks like paint! so have quickly mopped the front under the patio roof of the house so it is now pollen free, hope it all goes away now.
Hope this works.its to be sung when it snows please! Media URL:
I don't think I'll feel anything like singing if it does snow...grrrr. My sister's in Gran Canaria and it's warm and sunny there. She's just emailed me so I mailed back to ask if she'd meant to include the pics of lots of naked people on the beach...she often forgets to include links on emails so now she'll be wondering what she's done...haha...that'll teach her to go swanning off to the sun.
nice song, Jude, I've got it on my Ipod as I try to recreate the sounds of the 50s
nothing as vulgar as snow here, but there will be a little rain on the afternoon of Friday the 4th of April. They're not afraid to stick their necks out, those people on Accu.
Grrr now that's my earworm Jude, have been singing it at the top of my voice in the bath!
The storm was quick but noisy. My kitchen door is an old fashioned thick wood and the noise coming from outside was really scary, I could imagine all the demons let loose, in fact I went back in the lounge where Mr N was until it quieted down. Silly me.
Just watching midsummer murders. What a load of hogwash! Never seen so many murders in one programme.

Oight oight everyone. See yer termorrer!
Morning all.
Have been to bank now waiting to get the Ibiza bus.
Damn and blast the office isn't open yil next Monday!! Having a coffee.

The bus ride in was horrendoy, people stuffed to the gills and even in the door well so the door was open all the way , I had to grabs someone whenever it stopped to stop them hurtling into space. I was lucky I as the first one on so had s good seat. Totally illegal you're elf n safety would have loved it. I thought it was an adventure.
Morning all...bright, windy and cold.
Is it only that time? It feels like midday, I've been awake since 5am...the rain was lashing the window but touches wood the aerial was silent. I'll be out there with a starting pistol if the bloomin crows start bonking on it again this year.

Oi Jude, I'll give you hogwash! We like multi murders, one is just boring. Tell her shaney :) Actually if you don't normally watch it tht was a bad one to pick, I'd seen it before so I didn't stick with it...Death by cheese? haha....would have been better if they'd force fed her with it.

Sorry about typos am using phone ' nuff said.
Am waiting for the 11.30 bus back as it is bigger and it's my friend driving it.
crikey's time they renamed Ibiza to Idareya.
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Morning all
Sloshing with rain here .Supposed to brighten up later but I'm not holding my breath .Accu are very inaccu at times .Hope you're all Ok though .
Lol Jude ..Midsomer is a dangerous place to live .That wasn't one of the better ones. I saw it was a repeat so didn't bother .I watched Line of Duty which is brilliant .
Back home now, hardly any pollen - great!

Bus back was almost empty I could change seats if I so wanted and I actually did, cos I realised I was on the sunny side so moved over to the shade, then I had another coffee with my last 2€ and am home now doing not a lot!
I like George Gently, can just about follow it!
It's the last GG tonight :(
Just had a short sharp hail shower here, sunny again now. I'm not getting much done today.
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Me neither . I'm in cba mode .
Good speech by Angela Merkel .I wish she was our PM and I love her jackets .

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