Quizzes & Puzzles8 mins ago
Frying Pans
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.
online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
hello all. Neti, the effects of the pressure on her brain from the abscess will take some time to go. Its good that she is conscious and remembering her life.
Nice carpet man has been, he's going to quote to do my bedroom and the stairs, its all coming together. He lifts the old stuff and disposes off it which is brilliant, the other local shop and fitter don't do that.
Croissant crumbs on black clothes are bad enough but toast crumbs in the cleavage are worse. Robi, go and sit in the sun and enjoy it, don't do a thing.
Hope everyone is enjoying a sunny day.
Nice carpet man has been, he's going to quote to do my bedroom and the stairs, its all coming together. He lifts the old stuff and disposes off it which is brilliant, the other local shop and fitter don't do that.
Croissant crumbs on black clothes are bad enough but toast crumbs in the cleavage are worse. Robi, go and sit in the sun and enjoy it, don't do a thing.
Hope everyone is enjoying a sunny day.
Back home with money still intact, so I popped to local chinese shop and found 3prs of thin cotton socks so I bought them!
On the bus back a madman sat next to me, and he was shouting at the driver and then he shouted at me, I was mortified! If he had beeen normal I would have shouted back, but I cringed, the driver apologised for him!
Lovely day here again although much cooler again. Managed to get enough enough to wash bedding and allbathroom stuff. Mr N reckons my bios are waving aboout! which is OK, normally I have laods of energy but not these last two days.
On the bus back a madman sat next to me, and he was shouting at the driver and then he shouted at me, I was mortified! If he had beeen normal I would have shouted back, but I cringed, the driver apologised for him!
Lovely day here again although much cooler again. Managed to get enough enough to wash bedding and allbathroom stuff. Mr N reckons my bios are waving aboout! which is OK, normally I have laods of energy but not these last two days.
I expect to see the croissant-crumb look on the catwalks of Barcelona quite soon, then.
Well, it's stayed hazy here all day, warm but the mist didn't really burn off. The plan is to go to Portsmouth and have a look at the Mary Rose tomorrow (cheap train fares for the weekend). Plus we've booked a tour of Highgrove next month as tickets have just been made available. Next week I have the implant man to see (just an assessment, no hacksaw needed) then a cataract op, then the osteo, who's come back from Brazil, because my back is going to be tied in knots by then.
Well, it's stayed hazy here all day, warm but the mist didn't really burn off. The plan is to go to Portsmouth and have a look at the Mary Rose tomorrow (cheap train fares for the weekend). Plus we've booked a tour of Highgrove next month as tickets have just been made available. Next week I have the implant man to see (just an assessment, no hacksaw needed) then a cataract op, then the osteo, who's come back from Brazil, because my back is going to be tied in knots by then.
That all sounds very exciting Jno.Perhaps HRH will let you pinch some cuttings :)
I may as well swallow jelly babies instead of this new painkiller they've given me .It's about as much good as a chocolate teapot .I had to ring Mr S to help me home with the shopping .I fed up ,but have steak and cake so that's something I suppose .
I may as well swallow jelly babies instead of this new painkiller they've given me .It's about as much good as a chocolate teapot .I had to ring Mr S to help me home with the shopping .I fed up ,but have steak and cake so that's something I suppose .
the cuttings pinched from the Barbican conservatory are doing ok, shaney. Apparently they're a tradescantia, Maiden's blush.
http:// loghous eplants .com/pl ants/sh op/trad escanti a-gold- wing/
We had a warmish afternoon in the end but not warm enough for the torts who lolled on their tropically heated shed and scoffed expensive imported veg. It wasn't supposed to, but the mist is coming in again. It was lovely last night, thick fog with the foghorns going.
Houses and bodies, if one isn't going wrong, the other one is. Shaney what's the painkiller, if you don't mind my asking?
Thats a good tradescantia jno, I just went and had a look on ebay, normally good for plants, an unrooted cutting- ie a bit of the plant broken off and shoved in the post- costs 8 quid!!!!!!! and that's the common varieties...they must be having a laugh.
Houses and bodies, if one isn't going wrong, the other one is. Shaney what's the painkiller, if you don't mind my asking?
Thats a good tradescantia jno, I just went and had a look on ebay, normally good for plants, an unrooted cutting- ie a bit of the plant broken off and shoved in the post- costs 8 quid!!!!!!! and that's the common varieties...they must be having a laugh.
big fire in a Derby car park (that's wrong on so many levels, as they say)
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/uk -englan d-derby shire-2 6583719
Better be getting some food parcels together for the locals... do the babies eat foie gras out that way?
Better be getting some food parcels together for the locals... do the babies eat foie gras out that way?