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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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It's Naproxen Woofy .1x250mg twice a day .Can take paracetamol as well ,which I did but it doesn't even touch the pain .I thought it might be a bit stronger than Ibroprofen but it isn't .
okay, woofgang, I would't want to habituate them to faine daining they'll never see again.

Shaney, can you get cocodamol? I think you need a prescription but it's stronger than paracetamol (I don't know how).
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I can't take anything with codeine in it Jno . I don't really like taking any of these damn tablets but I want to walk around without pain ...sob...:)
I have had naproxen and I agree, its one of those that works well when it works but doesn't work at all when it doesn't. not sure if you are a coffee drinker, but i find that taking the paracetamol with coffee seems to male it work better (and some paracetamol tablets come with caffeine in)
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Woofy ..I'm a bit of a coffee addict but I take all tablets with fizzy water or I can't get them down .I'm a gagger .
I'll have to wait and see what the xray shows and go from there but it's getting me down now and limiting my mobility .
In the meantime ...I'll keep taking the tablets
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Oh rats ....I've missed all the goings on in CB !
you could have the coffee after you have swallowed the tablets, its just getting it in the bloodstream at the same time that seems to help. I am gagger too, I have to take tablets with food to get them down.
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Thanks Woofy .Perhaps I need to wait a few days before they kick in .
I'm an impatient patient .
me too shaney...I gather that the CB fun went from Carry On to Pink Rhino and got pulled.
the usual suspect, by the look of it. I must say, if I took a painkiller I'd sort of expect it to start working right about this instant rather than in next month.
Just a quick visit in case I'm late in the morning and you're out early jno...
Have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy your day out, hope the sun shines...x

Will catch up with posts tomorrow...sweet dreams all.
thank you... I wonder if I can post on AB from the deck of the Victory, using flags?
happy birthday jno and many more of em. enjoy your day!
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Happy Birthday Jno. Have a lovely day and many happy returns .
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JNO XXX have a super day xx
good morning all. Its a lovely morning here, the dogs woke me early and have gone back to sleep. I was considering going out but CBA. Might garden instead.
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Hello again
It's a lovely day here but the wind is chilly .Hope you're all as well as.
Went early to the market and were there and back in an hour . We drove past the field where the helicopter crashed .Lots of police still around walking the fields looking for debris .Very tragic.

Here you go jno, I now have time to do it!
Morning shaney, how sad, have they removed the bodies now, it said on the news yesterday that they were still in there!

Glorious day here, we got up late, I 've washed the spare room bed as Mr N and/or Mousey sleep in there occasionally, we did shopping and then I went for coffee with gbf and Mr N prepared the tuna, spinach lasagne for tonight!

Found out that the miserable git next door is 100yrs, the mayor gave him a pressie, but all very low key., don'tthink anyone likes the family!

Have prepared my legs for sunbathing so orf I jolly well go!
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Morning Neti
Yes they removed them late yesterday afternoon.

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