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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 14:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Sorry for not saying sorry you're feeling listless. I really hope you're feeling better soon. I feel a bit guilty telling you I'm off out and about again when you feel like you do.
See yer later 'gaters x
Don't apologise jude, we need you to gallivant, gives us something to aim for! I have a soreish throat. Mr N made egg, toms, chips and shredded bacon and mushrooms, all very nice but i really didn't it, am in bed now watching Judge Judy!!
Shaney without giving anything away (as I am a few episodes ahead) what exactly are The Americans doing? Are they there solely to recruit people?
Carry on hallucinating Jude!

Haha ^^… curse of predictive again, it should say gallivanting!

My hands, feet & legs feel as if they're on fire :(
hahaha oh dear me hahaha - hallucinating - oh hahahah !!!
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Evening all
I now feel listless after eating too much again and am chewing
I had a nice roast carvery lunch but these big meals don't agree with me these days.Nice to see my brother again and he's just rung to say he's home safely.So that's my gallivanting done for the foreseeable future .
The weather has been lovely here today although the wind is chilly .
Can't help you with the Americans as we're only on Episode 3 here Neti which is on in a minute .I'll get back to you if I can suss out what's what.
I had lovely real roast pork and roast potatoes for dinner and the dogs had venison sausages. My lovely godson and his brother are coming to remove the bed on tuesday, all very exciting!!
Neti's gone histérico

Pleased it was a sunny day for you shaney. I can't eat big meals anymore, what I used to eat on Sundays would do me two or three meals now.
I know Robi, we never used our old giant dinner plates so got rid of them when we redid the kitchen.
Oight oight nutties and biddies
Good morning everyone, and Happy Mothers Day to you lot, (we don't
have it yet until first Sunday in May! so am feeling very left out!)

Hija's 28th birthday today, I expect she is merrily celebrating since yesterday and until tomorrow!!

Shaney I chomp on a lot of Rennies at the moment.

Lost an hour and the weather is abysmal and it's going to be light until about 20.30, I can't cope!!!
After literally days and days of malware cleaning and everything under the sun, my laptop appears to be OK again, fingers crossed.

Am watching Emmerdale on ITV2, because I can!!
Hope jude has stopped hallucinating as it gets wearing after a while.
p.s. I don't usually watch Emmerdale and I don't much like it!
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Morning all
Lovely day again and Happy Mums day and Happy Birthday Hija.
Hope you're all ok .
Neti I watched the Americans .I don't think they are recruiting people .
I got a bit confused last night but then realised part of it was a flashback to when they were first in America before they had the children .What episode are you on ?
Just watched series 2 ep 5. I just can't work out what they are supposed to be doing in America. Hardly spies are they. I think the Russian girl (lover of Beeman) is gorgeous.
although come to think of it, his "2nd" wife could be giving him info unwittingly.
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Well it's loosely based on the Russian spies who lived in America in the 80's.
The Russian girl is getting information from him .
Interesting articles
There was another spy ring in the 70's -80's .I can't remember exactly now but they were caught and deported .
Oh my goodness me, now I see it. I do remember the Anna Chapman story. Mind you I can't even follow an Agatha Christie story anymore. I don't like the young wife but think the husband is a bit of alright!!
Morning all...cloudy and hazy, which describes my head too. Happy birthday neti's hija and Mother's day where applicable, I don't care for these special days, I'd rather have a little plant or bunch of flowers on a random day.

Just had a call from Ozzy, he's got to have laser treatment on his eye but they're very optimistic that will correct it, he can see very little through it at the moment. He's been telling about all the activity surrounding the missing plane...lots of theories flying around.

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