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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
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Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Oh dear shaney does it make it any better knowing what the pain is called?? What treatment are they offering you?

and good luck jno, you fell asleep during a root canal?? You want to come to these dentists here, no relaxing!!
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I've known what it is for the last fifteen odd years Neti ....It's just got worse and worse as time has gone on .
It's in all my joints little or much .They're loathe to prescribe specific long term arthritis drugs ,which I have had in the past ,because of the effect on the kidneys etc. So it's a case of grin and bear it and painkillers as and when .
Hopefully the pain management people can help .It's getting to the stage now where it's affecting my life and I can't do what I want to do or walk very far without being in severe discomfort .I had to take my stick when I went to the hairdressers yesterday and was mortified and felt as if everyone was looking at me .
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And's bloomin' football on the tele...tut .Keeps Mr S out of mischief though ;)
That sounds dire shaney (not Mr S watching footy), not much to lok forward too, how awful for you. I moan like mad, but I get cured. Just do what they tell you to do.
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There are people much worse off than me and I shouldn't gripe really .
But it does get me down sometimes .I want to leap hither, thither and yon ,like wot I used to do ....haha.
Its a pain in the proverbial Shaney. My Mum used to swear blue murder about it.
Keeping your young friend in my prayers Neti.
I am committed. the bed has gone. Two lovely young men came and took it apart and put it in the garage ready for collection.
I have run around like a blue bottomed fly today and oddly no dizzies. Maybe I just need to frolic through them!
good morning all from a very grey and dismal Ibiza, am off to buy a bew dvd player with usb so I can watch progs on the big teevee in the bedroom instead of laptop. Got stinking cold.

Woofy thanks for your prayers for my young friend, fingers crossed. Now if your bed was dismantled, where did you slepp ast night?

Robi hope you are feeling better, and good luck jno at the dentists.
Jude I know you are OK, so it's up to you to do the leaping hither and thither for the rest of us today.

Now we have the Beeb back out strongest signal is from N. Ireland, just when I got used to W. Midlands and now seeing rain in Enniskillen is just not the same as seeing it in Manchester!
woke up with a yell at 6am with cramp in one leg. Woke up OH too and probably several neighbours. It was so bad that while OH tried to stretch the leg muscles out the other leg slowly seized up. I will have to hobble off in search of some Deep Heat or something to make sure I can drive to the dentist, where I will try to catch up on my sleep.

Oh I hate cramp, hurts for days. Good luck.
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Morning all
Bit misty here atm ,hopefully the sun will get out soon.
Oh no not the cramps .It's horrible .I usually turn over on my front ,hook my foot over the end of the bed, stretch and groan :) Good luck at the dentist though Jno .
Hope the rest of you are all ok this morning .KBO.
Neti, I have got a gigantic settee, its the size of a big single bed when the back cushions are off so we are all downstairs. When I have done this before for various reasons, Rab sometimes takes himself upstairs and sleeps there for half the night then deigns to join us. Poor soul went upstairs last night to no bed, no dig bed, nothing, he came down again looking decidedly unpleased.
It must be crampy weather, I am back on the calmagzinc again.
Have a good day everyone.
Morning all...very grey and chilly, along with East Anglia we're apparently about to be hit with a ton of falling Sahara. It turned out fabulous here yesterday, friend's OH very kindly mowed again for me so I felt I had to snip round the edges to finish it off. I actually managed to sit in the sun...woo! First time this year.

Oh dear shaney, I hope your pain management team are better than mine were, I was referred after being diagnosed with fibro and they were hopeless. They told me nothing I didn't already know and said I could possibly be prescribed a drug by my gp which sometimes helps....amoxicillin! Numpties. I knew even then that it was amitriptyline. I didn't bother to correct her, I just left as soon as I could.

Good luck at the dentist jno...hope everyone else is coping with their ailments du jour. Watch out for the sand, might be a good idea to give the Woolies hair lacquer a miss today. :)
Bought new dvd with usb and am nbot pleased with it, very difficult in install, stupid thing, and now I've beggared up my sky in the bedroom and lost it all, nothing I can do will restore the channels. Just have to wait and see.

My eyes are itching like mad with this cold, and it is quite chilly out, acutally ahd to wear padded bomber jacket. Just made cornbeef lasagne with pots instead of pasta and mushroom, red peppers and fried onion, all layered with grated cheese, marg and cream and milk. Hope it turns out OK, doubt it with the day I am having!!
We normally get the sahara sand but not so back to the dizzies and the headaches again...just spoken to the father of the lady who owns the house that is sideways on to my garden and she has it too. There's a wobbly bit fence and he was out in the garden doing odd jobs so I asked him over the fence if his daughter would be interested in sharing the repair cost. he said he would ask her but nothing would happen quickly because she was ill, kept feeling better then it came back...Its a bit of a comfort to know I an not the only one.
my car looks as if it was hiding under a moving sand dune. Well, the tooth doesn't look as if it has long to live. It was a lot worse than it appeared on its X-ray, which was probably just showing its best side.

And among the good news is that we're getting two mail deliveries again most days. Apparently TNT have a contract to deliver round our way. We got a grumpy note from the Royal Mail pointing out that TNT get away with far fewer regulations, presumably like not having to deliver to Aberdeen if they don't feel like it.
Stupid stupid day....was going out but I couldn't find my wallet. Turned the house totally upside down and was just about to go into full panic mode when I found it in the safe place I had put it in. I usually leave it on the hall table but had to move the table to get the bed out. Carefully put my wallet safely away and then it all went out of my head. Can I please have a new head?
I put this in CB but it doesn't seem to have attracted much attention, so biddies can have their own private viewing
jno, thank you. Its always good to see the serious national issues of the hour.
Good morning, talking about copying you lot, I awoke with horrendous cramp, and dear Mr N grabbed my toes and push them and rubbed my leg, the cramp went immediately. He discovered that I had inadvertantly pulled the satellite lead out of the back of the sky box, so that's fixed, and now it is raining red mud. Last night the sky was eerily red,so we knew it was coming as we get it every year, but the mess on my huge patio is awful. The tiles aren't flat surfaced so the mud just stilcks to them, will take a while to clear this lot.

Off to hairdressers at 11am, stick got cold, just hoping I won't cough and splutter all over the salon.
Love jno's headlines, what an exciting country you do live in.

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