ChatterBank7 mins ago
Slow Cooker
13 Answers
i'm thinking of buying a slow cooker are they worth it and can you recommend any .thankyou x
mally, look at related posts below this one - loads of threads, sherrard bought one recently. I wouldn't be without mine.
08:21 Fri 15th Nov 2013
Best buy guides and reviews can be found here:
http:// www.ind ependen /life-s tyle/fo od-and- drink/f eatures /the-10 -best-s low-coo kers-85 69350.h tml
http:// www.mum m/revie ws/hous ehold-a pplianc es/slow -cooker s
The cooking pot inside the cooker is separate to the heating element and removable for washing. Mostly they are ceramic and can only be used in the cooker itself, which is a pain when you need to brown things or thicken a sauce. This one is aluminium so it can go on the hob like a saucepan and then straight into the cooker.
This will make you laugh, those of you who have slow cookers.
A relative of mine was baby sitting for her daughter for the day and decided to make a casserole in the daughters slow cooker as a nice surprise for when she came home.
She prepared the casserole and put the ingredients in the ceramic pot , then she poured water into the metal heating pot, thinking she'd seen her daughter do the same thing. She switched it on and left it for the day. Fortunately, all that happened was that the outer pot became horribly stained. I think she was luck not to have killed herself!
A relative of mine was baby sitting for her daughter for the day and decided to make a casserole in the daughters slow cooker as a nice surprise for when she came home.
She prepared the casserole and put the ingredients in the ceramic pot , then she poured water into the metal heating pot, thinking she'd seen her daughter do the same thing. She switched it on and left it for the day. Fortunately, all that happened was that the outer pot became horribly stained. I think she was luck not to have killed herself!