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Which Top For An Interview?

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abbeylee90 | 12:30 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Shopping & Style
41 Answers

After struggling finding something I like. I like but just not sure which one.



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Whatever you wear make it plain, neat and well-fitting - and no bare midriffs or cut outs!

Why don't you take advice from Naomi, you ask our opinion then ignore it.

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I'm getting that black blazer 

I posted the picture to show you the little T-shirt abbey.  Any nice jacket will look good with something like that.  You don't need to spend money unnecessarily - especially when you can't afford it.  Haven't you got a jacket in your wardrobe that would do?

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Jacket yes just not white t-shirt

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Closest things I got appointment doe interview are these

Appointment doe?

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*for an interview sorry 

What jackets have you got?

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A black one 

No pop into M&S and get a simple smart white T-shirt like Naomi suggested 

V neck or Round neck?

Or even Primark.  A round neck close fitting (but not too tight) T shirt, black jacket and black trousers. 

I'm getting the impression that you're not keen on wearing a little fitted T-shirt under a jacket, abbey, but if you look at pictures advertising jackets you'll see that many of them are worn over a plain well-fitting top.  I can't give better advice.

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There's this job I want in a warehouse but impossible to get to 😔

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Aldi warehouse

This is probably one of the best wind ups on AB, and I've been here since 2007.

Why is it impossible to get there?

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Bus times 

What is it, two buses and you have to wait in between?

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Which Top For An Interview?

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