Ebay Listings in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Ebay Listings

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bigbubba | 20:58 Sun 12th Feb 2006 | Technology
2 Answers
I sell alot of items on ebay from my shop. I would like to brighten up my listings and descriptions.
I see that alot of ebayers are not using the ebay text editor and it looks like they are linking a page from their website and hosting their own photos remotely.
What I would like to know is, what would be a good way for me to do this? I am computer literate but I don't know how to edit HTML. I have used the HTML editor in Word before and just cut and paste the HTML in to the appropriate section on the ebay editor but Word doesn't allow me to create the effect that I would like! How can I link a page from my website to the auction?
Thanks in advance,
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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learn html. http://www.w3schools.com/
or create a webpage with a wysiwyg editor (many web hosts offer free wizards, yahoo for example, bravehost, freewebs etc) copy the html from these webpages and paste into ebay.

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