Kycklings, I have come to say a temporary goodbye:'( There aren't enough hours on the clock at the moment for me:'( As you already know, I stay away from the hellhole I used to call home as much as is humanly possible. When I eventually do get home, there are hours and hours of cleaning to be done. Apart from the daily muck that creeps in even though I close the window and ventilation (my windows aren't tight) I've also discovered that the building has turned itself inside out and what used to be the roof is now my ceiling and walls.
Or in other words: Some weeks ago there was the most foul stench going on for weeks, besides headaches and coughing all the time I was constantly on the verge of throwing up and when I cleaned my nose the insides were constantly bloody and black. I have since learned that they have been hosing the roof down, and hardly with water, as it was 15-20 degrees below at the time. And this was during "the plastic days". Anyway, seems to me that all of that gunk is now covering every inch of my room, my clothes, my books, my ringbinders and everything in them, my bedding, my walls, my ceiling, my china, my shoes, my... everything. If I take a paper cloth to the walls it gets black and I have to use a new one for the next wipe. I want to throw my entire home away but there's not much point in doing that till they've finished. This is the third time this happens to me, they were doing the facade in 2004 as well and then the renovations in 2006 with total replumbing and rewiring - plumbing which has now sprung a leak and caused all this. I hate the housing company so much, for always choosing the cheapest solutions. See what happens.
Where was I. Wanna throw everything away but had better wait. But I will have to spend every hour cleaning, the few hours I'm at home at all. I'm very close to break-down, my physical health was cr1p before this started and for every week that goes by it gets worse, as I'm not fi