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Electric knife Cuisinart

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shaneystar2 | 23:29 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
511 Answers
I am trying to track down this knife from an outlet in the UK.I have Goggled myself silly to no avail .
They only seem to have them in the US ....does anyone know if they are are actually available here and where I could get one .Thank you .


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Evening, all. Hope you're feeling better this evening, Robinia. I loved the Sri Lanka footage on the Duran video. I'm gonna force the graphics tablet info on you, or I'll forget:

Wacom introduced a pen tablet where you draw directly on the screen in 2001, it's called the Cintiq and there are several different versions of it, by now. The Cintiq 21UX is probably what you should go for when you win the lotteries again or marry Paul McCartney, but... the version I was reading about is the new, smaller and cheaper one, the Wacom Cintiq 12WX. The review was very positive, but there were a couple of flaws that do sound annoying, like for instance you tend to hit the side buttons by mistake, and also the zoom doesn't go automatically to integers: left to its own devices it lands on inbetween numbers as well, which makes it impossible for Photoshop (or whatever programme you're using) to perform good interpolations. I'm sure you can set the zoom at whatever value you want, it just seems annoying to have to think about doing that - but please don't trust me or the reviewer on this one, find out for yourself. Another drawback is the amount of wires... but all in all he did like it very much, that's the bottom line.

drawing on the screen/review

working with layers

Yes! Yes Shaney, that was indeed the book! Thanks a lot. Have you read it? Not much blood in it, eh?

Vinny's little movie is a lesson to us all, to be sure. (A lesson in French, c'est-�-dire!)

Good luck with herding this lot to Eastbourne, Neti... they can barely be herded to their computers once a day! Should we worry about Jude yet?

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All the way to Eastbourne for a Biddy Beano ? Crikey it would take me a week to get there !
You need a degree to buy a train ticket these days .I am supposed to be meeting up with my old schoolfriends this summer in London .Getting there from here is a logistical nightmare .You have to book ten years in advance ....
I'll take that as a No then, shall I??
Kit you want to ask In a Pickle about these tablet things as he's had one for ages.
well that looks like my kinda gizmo Kit thanks....
just room for one more
I daresay my two know all about fact I'm sure son no 1 went on a course to do some kind of graphics jiggery pokery a few yrs ago.

Eastbourne? let's see....must be 200+ miles ....on a treader...<paper rustles in Sweden>....well, if I set off tomorrow I might make it by August if the wind's behind me.

<pssst...have we sent Vinny to Coventry for posting that video?> :o)

bet this would be a sell-out now?

Hi All Sorry I've not been around for ages had something to do every day this week. Very busy.
The good news is I have been given the All Clear from the hospital so I can relax now.
Teabag is still ringing me up and we may be doing something on Bank Holiday Monday. (Vinny no comment from you please - and another thing I'm surprised at you putting that Vid on. It's a wonder you've not been sent to prison! LOL)
Hope you are all keeping well and Jno have another lovely holiday in Egypt. I've just seen the photos of your last one. They're great. I like the one of the children very much.
Kit thanks for being concerned about me, but If there was anything really wrong I would email Robi to pass a message on, but thankyou anyway.
I'm off now so I'll say bye for now. See yer later 'gater(s):o)
<papers still rustling in sweden... how is it possible for Derby to know which words I don't know??!!> Ah, here we are, "treader" - aha! Looks like stick woman to me!

That's great news Jude, how wonderful to be able to put it out of your mind, I'm really pleased for you.

Speaking of Vinny's video, it brought back memories of this old joke:

A trembling old woman walks in to a sex shop.

"Sir," she says in a shaky voice, "do you sell vibrators?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"And are they this big around and this long?" she shows with trembly hand.

"Yes, ma'am."

"And they're $22.95?" she asks in a shaky voice.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Ho-ow-ow do you turn them off?"
Question Author
Honestly ...I give up... and I am really trying hard with my spelling ....
Eye halve a spelling checker
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marcs four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a quay and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it
Eye am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My checker tolled me sew.
hahaha, brill shaney that should keep Kit busy for a while
...I knead won that cheques my gramme ma two

hi Jude, that's great, a weight off your mind... I was wonderin how you were....I thought you might be busy!

Oh Sweedie don't encourage him, I think his video should be quietly swept under the one of his carpets

first day of spring??!! it's bloomin many l's in b...................?!
Mornin all (((*_*)))
Woz a spell checher ? do we hav witches ere abouts...!...bu66er they got me surrounded..hehe..!
good friday....!!! tiz pishking down....a layin...wat with that there wind blowing a beds been moving right to left all night..
I went to coventry...didnt see one maid on horseback....must be there day orf..if you lot aint gonna speak to me..can you send me somewhere warm nextime....looks like Shaneys getting snow again tut...ardley fair is it...all we be getting is sunshine again...(:O)
Bank holiday monday.!!!! you mean them thiefing blighters is having a day off from robbing us....right medears.....going up the bakers to get some real hot X bunnies....will two dozen do the trick....later>>>>(:O)
morning all....phew, it's wild out there
....looks like I won't be out on my treader
is that shaney's pinny up there?

it's no good, I've looked at all the weather sites & none of them are telling me what I want hear. I'm fed up with it... time to hibernate I think.

oh alright then Vinny we'll talk to you - just as soon as you hand over the buns.
Sort of sunny here today with a slight chill in the air. Very very quiet as it's a catholic country, no shops or anything open BORED BORED BORED!!!!
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Good Friday ? Huh ..dull as ditchwater Friday really .It's dire .
Even Mr S is moaning ..and he doesn't usually say a lot about the weather .
There were lots of people coming through yesterday with their cases on top of the cars and caravans etc. I don't think they are actually going to have a very nice weekend at the seaside .

No snow yet though Vinny but it was hailing earlier ..don't be mean with those buns now ..come on ..hand 'em over ! I hope they've got plenty of butter on .
Glad to see all's well Jude that's good news.x
Okay "u" ******* there dreckly....Hands over the buns....sorry there's no crosses on erm...but I like's them crosses the best hehe..!taste alright mee luvvers..dont eat to many robinia..peoples will think your preggers hehe..!
blimey got grockles as well...are they mazed.or what.? tis sunny but that wind....!
cant wait till i open them xggs on sunday...(:O)
bug*erZ. how did that robot thingy know westcountry..(:O)
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Ooh I love that word Vinny Dreckly ! My Mum always used to say that ..she never went up a road or down a road ,she always went up along or down along .
It is absolutely peeing down here now and blowing like bggry.
Hello bunnies! ...biddies... giddies... Winter is here with huuuge chunks of snow coming down, them really big flakes, you know, like a storybook Christmas. First time I saw anything like it, this year.

Can't provide any Lady Godivas for you Vinny but if you'll all say hello to some easter witches instead - we're great at those. Truth be told I live in the parish where the witch-hunting and the witchcraft trials got a strong hold in the seventeenth century; I've read about it, at least one of these "witches" lived on my street. Many of them were executed, and eventually some of their accusers were, too. We even executed a thirteen year old boy , the boy from g�vle Some years ago somebody living in the parish suggested that the church in question should put up a memorial plaque as an act of saying forgive us, but they haven't so far. But what the hell, they've only had three hundred years, giv'em time.

Not entirely sure whose treader this is...? Could be Shaney's, could be Neti's? (The picture was tagged with "bike for women" - grrrr!)
We use to hang monkeys kip...yo (:O)
oi, who pinched the cross off my hot X custard?

oh booger....this is rikkydoodalus, it's going to be even worse weather than they first forecast.
Just been on the dog 'n bone to my skin 'n blister <Sweedie bursts into flames> to see about weekend plans & the conclusion was we didn't make any - well you can't can you? tut! Apparently my nephew's going all anti-everything...he's writing to the Queen 'cos he says that if he's to swear allegiance he wants to meet her first...and he had a ding dong with a traffic warden .....and won!! ...hahaha....good on 'im!

we never said I'm going to town, it was always 'up tahn' or 'dahn tahn'

don't worry about being snowed in Kit bufferman's on his way

mystery solved
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Aha exercise bike come hoover come cheese machine ..just what I need ...It has not stopped raining and storming here and any minute now I am going to cry .So bgr the dcotor and his liver enzymes ,and am having a drinkie ......followed by another drinkie .......

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