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Electric knife Cuisinart

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shaneystar2 | 23:29 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
511 Answers
I am trying to track down this knife from an outlet in the UK.I have Goggled myself silly to no avail .
They only seem to have them in the US ....does anyone know if they are are actually available here and where I could get one .Thank you .


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well it's only your sore elbow that's saving you from a thwacking mrs s ...(she's been in & out of F&D like a dog at a fair talking about golden syrup with pineapple, tsk, tsk)... Hope it's better tomorrow....

speaking of fairs, I feel like I'm on a cakewalk, it was that bloomin' wind, it nearly blew me off my feet & made me all giddy.

Soothsayer says I'm going to uncharacteristically <phew, big word for a blonde!> miss a trick this month
so I'm keeping a very close eye on you lot....

Syrup please...bring me syrup
and pineapple
with syrup

Hi All Thanks for good wishes feeling a bit better but still snuffling. Just having me Horlicks before going to bed. Had promised to take my sister out tonight so got myself ready and went but kept my coat on most of the night. Went to see Tea-bag playing in The Big band and met another bloke I knew - are you getting the picture?!! Me dancing with this chap and Teabag playing his heart out on the stage LOL. Anyway I've asked him (Teabag) to come for Sunday dinner next week to look at my piano. No comments from you Vinny
I'm up to level 16 on the blocks. I'll never know how my sister goes through the whole lot everytime she does it. It's beyond me.
That's about all for now see you tomorrow :o)x
Wakey Wakey....
I wish there was a button I could click and all your alarms went off...hehe..!
come round and look at me joanna ey jude...ive heard them all now...have you told him yet he's gotta trim yer bush....well its nearly spring yer know.....(:O)
he can do robinia's at the same will keep the dog happy hahahaha..!
oh bu66er,ive gotta go to work and the winds a howling..and its pishing down....eats me porridge with apples and blueberrys and 5 wallnuts.(keeps the prostrate away yer knows)..and a cuppa coffee.....later dudes>>BANG.....ooops sowwy its the wind yer knows...(:O)
morning all, Robi thanks for the cartoon, that about sums it up. We went to first training classes on thursday....well no one peed on the floor and they weren't the worst there but oh dear its going to be a long month, there are four more classes to go. The lady who takes the classes and her assistant are very nice, the demos are done with the lady's own labrador pup who (of course) is perfectly behaved....actually I think the poor thing only has half a brain but that might just be jealousy. Total chaos here at present, we both have the man flu lurgy which went away and came back, DH has just had a dental implant and my Mum fell last night and fractured her pelvis, she is now in hospital, fortunately my sisters can go and be with her because DH can't risk getting smacked in the mouth by a puppy.
Retirement...its so relaxing

morning dudes...white wabbits...

ooh, woofy that's a catalogue of disasters...hope you & t'other half feel better soon. I don't know much about broken pelvis' (thankfully) but it sounds like something that takes a long time to mend? Hope your mum makes a good recovery, it must be a worry. x

well after I'd collected up the wheelies, plant pots, chimbleys, bloomers, small pigs & other various items that had blown in I nipped down the salon

that better Vin?
Morning - Hope your mum feels better soon Woofy.

Err, what planet are you all on? It's warm and springlike and only need to wear a t-shirt and jeans.

Going to have (another) relaxing and lazy day.
grrrrrr, let me at her > > > > >
Blimey..thats brill netti.

psst no opening another window with a map of europe..and restore down.thats cheating you lot tut...(:O)...
Well, I've actually rearranged some cities in Europe and have put Ankara up in Russia, so be careful when you go travelling! Have just found my mp3 so am now singing my heart out in the garden and it sounds pretty good to me, but the neighbours have all slammed shut windows and doors, probably so as not to disturb me ,eh?
tut...well I don't like that game...they've moved everywhere round since I was at school.
I doubt I'll ever be called upon to pilot a plane but show me some boxes to drop down holes & I'm your woman....
rabbit rabbit I know people tend to project their own feelings onto animals but hey I swear my cat loved that song. She would listen to it, I promise!

Your lemur freaked me out Robinia ha ha - do they actually do that thing with the stare or is it partly computer generated?

We're down to the last three parts of Parkinson (that don't sound right he he but neither does "episodes"?) As of tonight, it's all going to be one long cavalcade of past guests they say - guess some of you've seen it. I'll miss him. He's always good - except with Meg Ryan, god that was awful. She was kinda tense but he certainly didn't help. Was there any kind of "behind the scenes"-story to explain what happened? 'cos it seemed to me he was out to get her and not in a good way.

for Woofy's mum It's Ume, the Japanese plum.

Don't think I'll go near Neti's game, I already know I don't know where anything is! I'm the kind that walks into a store and when I walk out again I have no idea which way I came from and which way I was going. Did y'all see the Reverse game in Woofy's game kit? horrible Just don't play too long or you'll be walking backwards when you get up!

i love my mousie

...or is it even a real one? (the lemur)
this is another funny game
(your mouse controls the red man's hand & you catch the paper & throw it into the bin - I'm hopeless but it's worth it to get the little comments ...haha)

<scowls>....but I'll pass on the Reverse one thank you Sweedie. I've no idea about the lemurs but it is funny, I wish I could do that when there's someone breathing down my neck in a queue
now that looks like a very handy little gadget...

<mmm, methinks it might make my 'works of art' in paint a bit easier....>

Kit, it hasn't escaped my notice <sharp or what, eh>> that you rarely, if ever, mention the weather...don't you have any in Sweden or is it true that only the Brits talk, moan about & analyse it at every opportunity? :o)
Alright, a man just entered the scene from the right and actually moved the basket closer to my read man - I take that as an insult!

I'll get back to you on the weather and the mouse Robinia, have to get some dinkel salad ready for Parky now!
salad? back to rabbits again then are we? (for one horrible moment I thought you'd posted chas 'n Dave!)
I forgot to say that the final Parky shows are great & the one with the music guests is just brillliant...
No more games perleeease I'm still struggling on Stage 17 on the blocks. Can't get my bonce round any more just yet. LOL.

Hope all goes well with your Mum Woofy

Going to watch The Bourne Supremecy in a bit, have seen the whole trilogy but I enjoyed it so I'm having abother look.
Have a good night all. see you tomorrow :o)
I mean another look. I can be bothered LOL
YO..(((*_*)))..blooomin eck...whats he onyo..
runs back to gonna have a nice cold becks.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and sum morocan woodbine..(:O)

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