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Electric knife Cuisinart

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shaneystar2 | 23:29 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
511 Answers
I am trying to track down this knife from an outlet in the UK.I have Goggled myself silly to no avail .
They only seem to have them in the US ....does anyone know if they are are actually available here and where I could get one .Thank you .


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<flicks a spoonful of yoghurt at the sproutman> > > >

morning frosties...very light dusting of the white stuff here first thing, but it's gone now...definitely a two vest day though.

hope everyones's colds & splutters,aches & pains, lumps 'n bumps are better or at least on the road to recovery. I don't think I' d have the energy to cope with a couple of pups woofy...Chas has a mad fit now & then but after about 20 mins his battery's flat...he spends most of his time nowadays giving me that 'let's go in the sunny room & chill out' look. Mis-reading on here seems to be an epidemic...I thought you said you were fetching Virol for the old man...hahaha...remember that?

shaney don't worry about the hawk too much. We have them on occasion but to be honest I've only ever witnessed 3 murders in all of these yrs....however, those furry critters with a leg at each corner <looks round for flying meatballs> are the worst offenders...there were many days last year when I spotted the local serial killer dragging some poor victim through the hedge.

lovely pics Kit
those gnomes are elusive little bu88ers aren't they?

oh hang on, I've just spotted one

he knows me too well :o) > > > > > >
Breaking News!

I think we need to have a whip round....(leave it Vincent)
We're up for sale now..? But hasn't the SportsAnswerbank always been a separate entity somehow with their own machinery?

I can't view that cooltext thingy Vinny, just the logo. / Not sure what you meant by the paintshop remark but that was in fact an authentic photo of traditional Sami style clothes, and as for the reindeer, well reindeer herding is one of their traditional livelihoods. Here, click where it says "lappar" (fifth link from top), you'll see. Then click the link below that one, "bastun vid forsen", and guess what the hut is...? Solution below.* <Btw the Playboy cover featuring Jude was also authentic.>

Birdwatchers Shaney and Woofy and Robinia, you made me remember a wonderful documentary called the wild parrots of telegraph hill; if you haven't seen it it's worth the trouble of purchasing it, you won't regret it. I'll never forget that programme. local serial killer

Ha ha at Robinia's vinnygnome at the southernmost point of Asia continent; Shaney you should go there with a cheese and mail the picture to "Cheese on Tour, The Web's Number One Site for Pictures of Cheese in Famous Places" (sic!). There's a mention of it on this page, where all beatleslovers can also watch the clip "John Lennon's lover tells all."

*Solution: It's a sauna....! (...where the Sami unwind after their yoik gigs, I would imagine.)

love it

Robinia you and Vinny are so clever, love the gnome! Well you can laugh at me now as winter has begun. Very cold and blustery, scary really. And we have so much pollen everywhere, even on this keyboard, as I can feel it as I type. Spent ages sweeping the patio today and it just got more and more yellow so gave up.
Sorry bout that link(((*_*))) Kip...It fell off the back of a cyber lorry.!..(.we always says it fell off a back of a lorry if it be stolen)bet yer know that should be proud of yourself kip..yer English is better than aint that great....but the kip did go to school..ure's mite speak better than wat i duz ..but bet she cant buffer a!!!!I cant either hiya netti...................gud to have yer jude..dolly..marmoset...maggie....little mouse... *** up and see us sum time...
play loud its spanish or is it portugeezer ?
oooh 3 stars from the "Cheka" ..!!!!!!!!!(:O)
Oh Vinny you wouldn't believe how I struggle with my online dictionaries - but thanks anyway. Yup, things fall off trucks in Sweden too, that's how I got my computer. (The old one, not this laptop.) I didn't know until it was too late and I never dared to go online from that one, as the person who sold it to me had something in between a rage attack and an anxiety attack when he realized that I wanted to send emails to tech support sites to ask about some of the many problems I had with that computer. Had I done that, apparently the computer could have been identified and so on and so forth. First and last time I buy a computer from someone I know - I want to be able to raise hell when there's something wrong. Now you may say that if there's anything wrong here, it's the company I keep. But that ain't so: I'll have you know that all my friends are very nice and normal

Vinny did you see the teve programme about John Lennon's jukebox a few years back? I was looking for Donovan's Turquoise on YouTube and came across this clip from that programme which I had forgotten till now: jukebox
Morning all - yes Vinny indeed that clip is Spanish, although the translation take all the romance out of the song., but then doesn't it always?
Have you all blown away?? Very wind, and chilly here, but oodles of sun. Pollen absolutely everywhere, drives me mad.
morning all....don't panic mrs s, I can't see your pm messages, you know, the ones where you were telling me all about you 'little problem' ;o)

Now why the heck do I think twice about picking up the Argoose catalogue at home but as soon as I waft through the Co-Op doors it's suddenly 'Tonight Matthew, I'm going to be She-Ra'!? I go around dropping half the bloomin' shelves into my basket (which isn't much around here) & now I'm sat sitting in agony....well, I didn't go in for that much but you know how it is, & I couldn't be bothered with all that messing with a �1 to get one of those little basket wheelie gizmos....good job I at least had my trusty trolley to get home with.

Kit, Vin's paintshop comment yesterday I daresay was about the pic where you removed someone....... & I couldn't let him down could I? :o)
<sigh> I think this lot forgot to put a bob in the meter...I'll put some big spuds in the washer, they'll think there's another earthquake>
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Hi all...sorry to panic you all ..but I was rather gobsmacked !
I mean ter say ...I really didn't want my ramblings there for all the world to see .
Why is it that when you put something away safely you can never find it again ? I seem to be in a permanent boogers muddle lately !
I haven't seen the hawk anymore ..he was a fine specimen though .I watched him through my binoculars .He just sat there on the fence ....with his eye on the blackies no doubt ..of course as soon as I opened the door he was off and don't they go quickly ..zooom .. and he was away .
Hope you are all OK....creaks and crunches permitting on this fair to middling day here ...
ah, found you, thanks to neti - my PMs are working fine, one from neti giving the game away and one from dot saying she'd had enough and was resigning (even her aviator is gone). So I don't know what's up with SAB but I seldom go on there to give lacrosse answers anyway so it don't bother me.

Well, you'll be pleased to hear the sun is shining in the Caribbean and I have held a turtle. You hold left thumb and forefinger round the left flipper, also using the finger to stroke its neck to keep it from, well, flipping out, and hold its body with your right hand, then a lady takes your picture doing it and sells it to you for $7, which was worth it.

I'd show you my tan but it's already peeled off on account of the sunscreen instructions being grossly misleading.
Question Author
Oooh nice to see you back safe and sound Jno ..hope you had a lovely time . Turtle holding sounds very fascinating .You haven't missed anything of world shattering importance although we did have an Editors blog today and all had to go and lie down and recover .
Also Golden Syrup is the latest "in " snack and our doctors are still demanding phials of blood to test wether or not we are still alive xxxx
jno has pm'd me in Sportsbank but I can't get in there today, so have suggested (on suggs) that they get in touch with one of you.
Oooops sorry jno didn't read your post first. Am, as ever, in a rush, welcome back.
shaney I've secretly been eating Golden Syrup for years, on toast, on porridge, you name it I eat it. yum, love spoonfuls of it.
Well, yes I have an overactive thyroid, and the doctor suddenly jumped up and grabbed my throat, said he was feeling for lump, but I think it was a murder attempt. Am now waiting to see a specialist, oh god, will it never end! Apparently my T4 lliure is OK (any clues as to what that is - it's prob in Spanish) so no immediate problem!

Sportsbank is sh1te, now I cannot access my messages!

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