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Electric knife Cuisinart

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shaneystar2 | 23:29 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
511 Answers
I am trying to track down this knife from an outlet in the UK.I have Goggled myself silly to no avail .
They only seem to have them in the US ....does anyone know if they are are actually available here and where I could get one .Thank you .


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Help...ive got holes in me socks...will send them to you (a pair each)as soon as you learn from this vid (:O)
hehe...later dudes yo</a>
My sister gave me two giant packs of luminous coloured pegs and now it's driving me mad matching all the pegs whilst hanging out the washing. I suffered badly enough with just Sainsbury's jumbo blue and white ones, but now I have to keep checking that they haven't been matched oddly and that they match the washing itself!!
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Take a tablet Neti for goodness sake and have a lie down !
I've heard it all now ...matching pegs to washing.. ..what happens when you hang those leopardskin leggings out ..have you got matching leopardskin pegs ?
Hi shaney you mean this isn't normal?? Gessoo did it also! I just cannot have odd pegs on clothes, I've tried but only have to go back and re-peg them all.
A'noon sweaties....Couldn't decide which was greater, my giddyness & potential for going a over t, or my craving for cstrds & an Eatin' Mess. Guess which one won? I'm now buffetedbiddy but my cake tin overfloweth.

Saints preserve us....please get this woman on the pills... pronto.
Since when, se�ora todos los colores del arco iris...(impressed, eh?)...has colour co-ordination been a priority? yes shaney makes you wonder doesn't she? are there rubber pegs for the liberty bodices?...and grey ones for the 5 year old primark pants?...

just trying to think whether I have any little idio....erm, sinky thingies....let me put my handbag down while I have a think....

dummmm de dummmm

well, I've got a sausage across the back door & it's not even draughty, it just stops 'them' from coming in underneath....

well, obviously one has pink pegs for pink knickers and black pegs for black knickers but since I sometimes peg the right corner of one pair to the left former of the next pair, I get in a right dither. You just can't get black-and-pink pegs these days. And as for pegging these up... all/560.jpg
I hope one hasn't been wearing that under one's pacamac....& one shouldn't even be contemplating pegging that out where people prone to dizzy fits might see it...

oooh, I think I've got repetetive swede, not from flinging meatballs, from chopping up the turnip type.
Well, I'm not that bad, I don't have to match the colours exactly, but they mustn't clash, I mean I couldn't put pink pegs on an orange shirt, (No Robinia, I do not actually have an orange shirt, it was an example! <tisk>). I give up, tomorrow, I'll wear a blindfold when pegging out the washing.
there you go sweti...and don't panic, in a few hours time they'll match your complexion perfectly...
Evening All guess I'd better take a pill too. I wont mix plastic with wooden pegs. I have a bag of plastic ones and a bag of wooden ones so it depends what mood |I'm in which ones I use. I'm on wooden at the mo. Don't worry Neti you could have obsessions about worse things than pegs Lol.
Off out again tonight to see a Rock and Roll band. My Jazz club friend asked me last night and who am I to refuse a night out.
Then I've got Tea~bag coming tomorrow. I hope I don't get the names mixed up!
My lovely young brother is 47 on Monday. I can't believe my eldest son is the same age in April. My mother, myself and my sister all had babies in 3 consecutive months in the same year. My sister's daughter was born in May. My brother is off selling guitars in Germany tomorrow. He is a very talented musician and plays a brilliant guitar. I am very proud of him.
Anyway I'm off to watch Barnsley play footie now see you soon. :o)
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I've got visions of you now Neti running up and down along the line frantically trying to get it all colour coordinated

He's a rather dishy brother Jude ...
Evening possums. That's a nice bro you've got there Jude, thanks for showing us, I enjoyed that. And a good name he's got too. If ever he needs somebody to accompany him on the piano or if Teabag finds himself looking for a new girlfriend after tomorrow, nora is your cat (She's adorable, I want to eat her!)

What day is it today, I think I may have lost one. As I've mentioned before i'm a lady ...or a pig ...or a lady pig? yes I like that one, I'm a lady pig, but if I'm ever gonna make Vinny a suitable wife I obviously need to get my mushrooms in gear so I ordered one right away from this nice web site and it came in a really lovely box and... what was the question again? Oh yeeees... that darning video.... nice one, Vinny, rivetting, that lady seemed absolutely sedated to me, in fact I'm sure she's his slave. I was in an induced trance after a minute and a half.

My only claim to household fame is that when I do clean the windows once a year or so I like them to be spotless, but given your obsessive peg disorder Neti I suspect you probably outclean me even on the windows. Neti? Neti...!

jno if your sister lives in Singapore, have you ever had breakfast with the orangutans at the zoo there? Come on jno, answer a question and see if it kills you ;-) - and take that shirt off, I'm nervous, Robinia is now starting to look around for a bucket...
Hi jude....
WoW...nice bit off pluckin there (((*_*)))..there a bit good int they..(welldone Barnsley yo)..Me brother-in law wus bit tasty on the ole guitar..he wus in the "shy limbs" a local group then he was about to join the Captain Beefheart...but the silly sod done himself in...!.sad, but life goes on..ey...Im still mazed im still ere..sometimes....I think to meself how the hell did I get past all them nasty drugs.....jesuuuus..the 60S erm....your dogs sound brill Woofy....the New ole hunting ground....lynhusrt,....years ago we use to get a bus to ringwood coz the pubs were open all day on market day...Burley...magic place.......and looking on the bright side,I would never have met you lovely people....
Im sorry if I dont say nothing when you post....luv you all turn up loud full screen.hic (:O)

you biddys xx
Okay..I get yer drift...yo (((*_*)))Byeeeee xxx
You sound under pressure there, Vinny, I'd like to respond but won't as I conclude that sending you emails would just add to some kind of unknown burden of yours. Here, sweet song, relax, you too, to a degree I'm sure we forgive you but then on the other hand, it may be a tough job keeping us biddies happy but somebody's got to do it...

My you're impatient!
Hm, I may be having a Swenglish problem here... just read through today's posts again (that peg discussion will go down biddy history) and when I got to Vinny's 22.39 one, I read "post" in the English sense, while the first time I read it, I read it in Swedish if you see what I mean. Vinny I thought you were talking about not replying to our emails when we were missing you a while back, you know? But maybe you weren't - sorry if I misunderstood. You may have been still talking to Woofy about her brilliant dogs and not at all repenting to the biddies one little bit, and what with Madam Spokesperson not being awake, how is da foreigner to know, ha ha... Wake up, Robiniaa! Sorry Vinny I think I probably got you wrong.
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Oh don't worry Kit ....I had a special delivery this morning said on it .."Woollies from Woolly " was full of holey socks so I turned them into these

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