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Electric knife Cuisinart

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shaneystar2 | 23:29 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
511 Answers
I am trying to track down this knife from an outlet in the UK.I have Goggled myself silly to no avail .
They only seem to have them in the US ....does anyone know if they are are actually available here and where I could get one .Thank you .


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T4 is Thyroxine level Neti .. You may be what they call borderline .So if they give you medication to slow you down it could slow you down too much .Same with me I am under active but had a blood test this morning because my medication (levothyroxine) is not high enough and I am slowing down again .Because the medication is in multiples of 25mcg it's a fine line between under and over.Too much and you go hyper , too little and you get the can't be ar@ed syndrome !
He was probably feeling your neck for signs of a goitre .
Don't worry dear ...have a Golden Syrup sarnie and you will be fine .
I am munching away of a stick of Eastbourne Rock, pineapple flavour! But he said my thryroid was way too high, over here it should be between 2 - 4, mine is 14, but cos T4 is Ok am not to worry duh!

<<sticks dessert spoon into Golden Syrup and slurps . yummy>>

and I have an allegy rash cos I used my sister's Olay when in Barcelona and now I'm all spotty - what a life.
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Neti if he wants you to see a specialist it could be because of nodules . Which are not life threatening !!
Do you have any throat pain? One of the causes of an overactive thyroid is to much iodine in the diet .
Have a look at the Bupa fact sheet tive_thyroid.html
But please ,please .do not worry ..lots of people have thyroid trouble and once they get you sorted out and on the proper medication you will be fine .I was just the same .I spent over a year wading through what seemed like mud until they sorted it out xxx
Oh what a night, I had effervescent tea at 02.30am... I was going to bed but felt thirsty and there was no tap water! Waited and waited but it didn't come back on and I felt my throat and lips and tongue begin to shrivel... so I put a whole lot of clothes on and walked to 7-Eleven. It was snowing (yay) and as I walked back home again with my bottles of mineral water there was a group of cheerful municipal working-men driving their van from manhole to manhole on my street and doing whatever it was that they were doing. Then I had my "mineral tea" and was wide awake from all the "excitement" (doesn't take much, you know.)

Oh the southernmost-of-Asia-person-removal, Vinny... or Robinia.... don't know who I'm talking to here, ha ha - Madam Spokesperson! ...well that was my niece sitting on them there stairs, and my sister's permission to post her Singapore photos doesn't extend to advertising her kiddies on the internet, hence the Paint-cut :-) Had an email the other day where she said her two-year-old son now calls her mommie (in English) and her four-year-old daughter comes home singing I�m a little Chinese girl, gong xi gong xi fah cai! Their pre-school playgroup is bilingual, English and Mandarin. Sis is now looking for a class in Mandarin, so that she'll still be able to talk with her kids a few months from now...

What a nightmare to have to do your visits to the doctor in another language, Neti, I often feel they're on another planet as it is.

Welcome home, jno, we need a voice of reason on the old AB oh and also we need somebody to hold this. (It's good to have you back!)

Hi there Shaney, is "the thing" all sorted now? I never saw it so my image of you remains... unsoiled, ha ha!


Oh forgot to say (because I don't know the correct words here) that those working-men were from the municipal water-something-something, so I think there must have been some major problem.
Well shaney that was very helpful and it explains why my doctor was spluttering and trying to say autoimmunity, I have most of those symptoms, although I am putting on weight (could be the Rock) and obviously my periods have ceased completely!!! Am not too bothered, just be glad to get rid of the sweats!
nice to see you back jno...done a lot off walking have we..yo. and we did warn you about showing off oh no cor blimey...we told you to take some sun cream to...tut..!!!!hehe..
Thanks fer the prezzy..but is it save to put percy in there...snap (:O)
"Percy", Vinny? i thought i'd heard them all Just one of my trusty online dicktionaries.... scroll down for a thousand and one synonyms but no Percy!

I'm gonna have to brag. I know I've already shown you the chair my youngest half-sister made but I'm gonna show it to you again ha ha - because guess what, this time it's featured on the lead page of that wonderful design blog that I posted here for jno's son a month or so ago! I check that blog out regularly, and today well what did I see. Scroll down a bit, it's just below the small, wall-mounted shelf that looks like a book. They don't mention her name, 'cos she's only the cabinet maker and not the designer :-( but it's so nicely written and the headline says "Love at first sight", and that is the very chair she made, we recognize the photo.

check it out

(Btw she's not the Singapore one.)

Good morning People..
haha kip..
-- kip.. ' Ha-penis is so hard to find .'
-- vinny ' Excuse me!? '
-- kip..: ' Ha-piness? '
-- vinny..: ' Oh, happiness .' hehe..!(:O) brill design btw.
you must be proud off your sis.
well the ole suns out...still 3+ in stockholm...think its about ten ere...right, must go and see a man about a dog....kip googles later dudes..(:O)
Where's the yokel thwacker when you need her? I can't do this myself, never learned the British way of "disciplining"... Oh goody here she comes with her rolling pin, I see her now, she's right behind you now Vinny, I'm not joking, she's coming up behind you, it's too late to run - uh-oh...

Okay, alright - so maybe that wasn't completely true. I'm gonna have to develop my own kind of attack seeing as I don't have a rolling pin. I'll practise on somebody who can't defend themselves: banzaaaaai!

Beautiful day here too, must be much more than three degrees now; I'll soon find out.
Cor blimey kip...get yer Bikini out...its gone up to 4+...whoosh>>>>>>>(:O)
im going to have me yo ke on the beach (((*_*)))

Hi all isn't it a lovely sunny day? well it is here. The boys are asleep behind me occasionally releasing a cloud of gas and all is fairly okay with the world... Oh is still coughing and spluttering so I am surrounding myself with a prophylactic cloud of alcohol as often as possible....should we set up a thyroid gland trading post on here do you think??
Oh Neti the flushes are a b nuisance aren't they?? especially on cold nights. I spend my life throwing the covers off then hunting for them....still at least women don't have prostate problems!!
Kit I just opened the link, that chair is beautiful, you must have a very talented sister to make something like that.
Thanks Woofy, I'll tell her you said so. As I mentioned I've showcased that chair once before so the rest have already said their OHs and AHs, ha ha. Her profile photo on Facebook is of her, building that chair...!

Have you stuck the Stockholm thermometer on your desktop or what, Vinny, I'll stick it- ...damned internet, everyone can check everyone's weather - it did feel a lot warmer than 4+ ...while I was still indoors... ...but sunny it was, I'll stick by that story!

Neti, was jno speaking to us by employment of the ship's telegraph after all...? On the one hand they said the Caribbean is sunny, on the other, that the tan had already worn off... so it's contradictory methinks. jno! Come out come out wherever you are.

Robinia has been out all day buying a new pvc suit, I have, in fact, picture evidence but Tiny Pic won't load so it'll have to wait... Or, she could of course come on, herself, and show us. (Hope you're okay Robi.)

So, is Teabag tomorrow or Sunday, I've forgotten. Have fun whenever, Jude. this one is (having fun)

Shaney, bjuder du p� ett glas gin?
is it me you're looking for?

welcome back jno, (if you are back), if I'd known you were coming I'd have baked a we get a slideshow?

yes it's a beautiful chair Kit but I was concerned about the corrugated effect on your bum, haha....I remember slapping some body lotion on mine after a bath & suddenly had the sickening feeling I'd developed a hideously spotty behind...until I realised it was where I'd been sitting on the holes in the rubber mat, hehe. (I love the knitted clock!)

Oh god I thought you were reading my mind Robinia... I would have posted that clock (or the knitted moose-head or whatever it was) for Shaney just now, had TinyPic worked. At first I didn't make the connection that I'd found it on the designblog, I just thought you had taken your clairvoyance to a whole new level... phew! / Yes sis even complains herself about the chair not being comfortable... but that's the designer's department.

Btw it was an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka-dot bikini... not "an itsy bitsy teeny weeny puny rubber-dot behindie"... but that one might well be a hit I suppose. Hope you didn't scare Charlie again, ha ha ha!
Evening AllHope you are all ok today. Put my washing out to dry in the lovely breezy sunshine. It did the job as well.
I'm off out tonight to see a group called Alter Egos don't ask me what they do haven't a clue. I'm going with my neighbour but meeting my Jazz night friend there.
Teabag is due on Sunday Kit. I'm actually cooking LOL. That'll be interesting!! I'm doing a simple Pork Loin roast with all the trimmings and for afters a mashed up meringue, whipped cream and raspberry affair which we used to get at work in the staff restaurant and it was lovely.
I remember the chair from before Kit it looks lovely. A very talented lady, your sister.
Enjoyed the vid of the dog on the waterslide. I would have loved to have had a go on that myself in the sunshine of course.
Well I'm off now see you all soon and have a good weekend :o) x

ooerr, now it's Jude's turn to be psychic...I was going to say earlier & forgot 'isn't there something very primitive about washing outside on the line?'...hahaha
Oh what time shall I come for lunch on Sunday? You won't know I'm there, honest....Isn't that dessert an Eton mess?....where I come from it was called a Long Eaton mess, :o)
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No and thrice times no's called Long Eaton Golden Syrup Mess ....
with levothyroxine on the side ...and sprouts for afters ....

Lovely day here too ...all my washing dry ...all my household engineering done and it's time for a large gin ....
<by jove mrs, I think shaney's finally got the hang of the biddy threads....she's talking gibberish

oooh heck all this pegging out makes you tired....tatty-bye treacle lovers....syrup dreams....x

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