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Electric knife Cuisinart

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shaneystar2 | 23:29 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
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I am trying to track down this knife from an outlet in the UK.I have Goggled myself silly to no avail .
They only seem to have them in the US ....does anyone know if they are are actually available here and where I could get one .Thank you .


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I have dutifully trekked through Kit's Logen bokken ..very interesting and very clever ..I don't think I'll attempt one ..I have enough difficulties trying to write a shopping list ,let alone a blog.
The sun is out now but it's still blowing a gale ..they reckon there is more to come ..I hope it calms down before Wednesday as I am having a day out in the fleshpots of Norwich with a friend . I am so excited .... I can go to Primark !
Hi all, it's probably three degrees over here - based on empiric statistics - and not very windy so far.

It's been nine years today since my mother died; I think you probably all know that strange feeling how something can seem so close in time and so very distant all at the same time.

Shame about the camera jno but perhaps you'll find it worth having just for the zoom which did seem excellent. Pictures, please, pictures! Yours and your sister's both and we'll have a guessing contest which camera is the expensive one, he he he! / Oh if you know somebody who knows somebody could you lay your hands on some of those organic ginger biscuits Prince Charles makes, Duchy Originals...? They sell them at my deli but I need moooore.

Joyous tidings from the deli btw - they're selling my carrot cake again! And the most amazing little berries, the goji berry or as you may know it (?) the wolf berry, they're so good and so useful for everything, I'm a wolf now.

You only have one cat nowadays, Neti? Mousey is beautiful and you do see her eyes as that picture is huuuuge when maximized. Robinia is it the breed as such you're in love with or have you met a particular cat of that breed?

Think I'll have a little google now for Elvaston Castle so I know what Jude and her beau are up to. I checked The Shy Limbs out earlier, Vinny, they weren't at all bad.

Oh dear what have I done to Shaney...
No Kit still have Charlie=

Charlie in typical male pose!
Weather is a bit blustery again now and it can't make up it's mind whether it's going to rain or not.
Elvaston Caslte Kit isn't a typical castle it's more a Hall owned now by the Council who have threatened to sell it to some conglomerate who are said to be making it into a Hotel and developing a golf course. So there is a great furore about it from the public as it is a pleasant park to walk round and not far from the city.
Thanks for the comments about my brother and no Robi he isn't married. but was once for about 4 years when he was very young. Even though he has had loads of girldriends he never could settle to anything for more than a couple of years except to his music.:o)

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Aaww those cats are sweet ..I'm not really a cat person as such ..but they look so appealing .I love your one Neti that was Shaneys favourite position ..laying on his back showing off his "particulars and possibilities " to all and sundry .
"this is who we are" ha ha, all cats are alike... I don't know which one is lovelier, Neti. And Shaney was lovely, Shaney, I still have his picture in one of my folders, beautiful boy.

Thanks for that guided tour Jude, I hope you get to keep it as a park. Aren't there enough golf courses in the UK??
oh dear Charles & Camilla should have stayed at home & baked cookies for the Swedes...can't say as I've seen them in ower CoOp Kit and if I asked the manager to show me his gojis I'd probably be escorted from the premises......again.
It's the breed I've taken a shine to, I wasn't even looking for cats (on t'internet) & I saw a Birman - your puddies are beautiful too neti and my Charlie, who's intact & a very proud lad, likes to strike that pose, usually first thing in a morning, ugh.....typical

Ahh, but my charlie isn't intact, still a big fella though!
anyone want to take this spider for a walk? I've put a lead on her....OOh, my poor back, I've been clearing cupboards or rather taking rubbish out, looking at it & putting most of it back & I found a big spdr at the I would have left her but she looks suspiciously 'with child x 200' so it's on yer bike mrs....but quite how an ugly spotty thing like that has managed to 'get any' in there is a wonder, there's hope for me yet.
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I think Charlie and Camilla should hurry back toot sweet and dish out Duchy Originals and hot tomato soup ( only Heinz mind ) to the the poor windswept fogies of the eastern counties and all other points north and south .
It is absolutely dire out there as your hat ..piddling down and blowing enough wind to make a sprout feel inferior .

Coffee with rum anyone ? Or a bit of lmn drzle ck ?
I've got some nice Tuc crackers and blue cheese ?
Hiya kip.
my brother i law didnt play for them for very long.But I saw them live and really enjoyed there music.He use to go out to Robert Fripps place and jam quite a lot.
in later years my nephew also went out there to for guitar lessons...think robert fripp was married to toyah.My nephew did well for himself,he has been working at cardiff university for a number of years and he is a doctor of ancient history.He's quite well known around the world and has wriitten many books.if you google Dr Louis Rawlings there should be some stuff on there.He's on youtube and he appears after about 6 minutes very briefly...he's the one with long hair.yo you can buy his books on amazon..(:O)
Well we now have to batten down the hatches as we are now on Ref Alert, must say it is jolly windy.
erm - could that be Red alert???
Bu$$er the off down the pub....erm..just fer one yo (*L*)
hahahaha....brilliant Vin...I thought that might be me until the 'arms like a navvy' bit....
Good morning - Red Alert? Should have been pretty pink with flowers Alert as it was such a calm night, no storm, Mr N didn't snore and I slept like a log (I wonder, does Robinia sleep like a twig??) Lovely sunny day here so am off to do something vitally unimportant.
Mornin...isnt it..!
The wind wont go away and it tis lashing down.The tree's are bending like a bow and shooting back up again....twice as fast.!!! a saw a poor ****$hawk get in the way of the tree and its on its way to puffin island now...(:O)
I was thinking about you when I played that vid robinia.....hehe..! only yoking...
Swede's treat dane's like a doormat....what a cruel country..(:O)
cor blimey...there having a giraffe int they....the spotted dick is facing extinction...come on girls.....stand up fer the spotted d i c k..yo They sell Spotted Dick... ( I know you don't want your dick out of a can... If you like your dick... Hot and Fresh!... and not spotted)........ make yer could be a hard one ...but dont let the spotty d i c k die..medears !..(:O)
My ex-fiance (we've just been in contact via Friends re) has sent me this photo of me when I was 17yrs, Oh happy days


A bit too cool and serious!
Hi possums, something wonderful happened this morning: The blackbirds returned to my park from wherever they've been all winter. God I miss them when they're gone. I've had a real bird-watching day today, I was off for a meeting and took an early bus so I'd have time to get lost - as I always do - and found again. But I did locate the building quickly and then found myself with loads of time on my hands, so I took a walk by the shores of a nearby lake and sat on a bench surrounded by a gang of pushy ducks. Decided to feed them the sandwich I had brought with me for after the meeting. Okay the chunks were a bit big but the ducks were just a foot away from the water and I thought they'd have the sense to wet the bread if necessary, but all of a sudden one of the females started to behave as if she were choking - I swear I thought I was gonna have to do the Heimlich maneuver on her! That would have been me sectioned.

Oh so we haven't stopped googling for IKEA ammo, he he he. The Danes despise the Swedes! At least the Danes living in Copenhagen and Elsinore, where the down-south-swedes go to drink and throw up in the streets... / I laughed so hard at "The One" my desk started rocking... / Your nephew looks so kind, Vinny. His name came up even when I ran a search limited to results in Swedish (they were Swedish online bookstores.) Btw you told us your son is a student at Cambridge; the other day I was googling for info on resizing pictures and this site came up, check "gallery" out, stunning pictures of cambridge

Aww Neti! So pretty and trulig, can't find a good word for it but it's a mix of sulky and defiant - very teenagy! How nice of your ex to send it to you.

Gotta prepare some bread... if sunday you're free ♪ ♫
<whooosh...... <<<SLAM!!!>>>

oops, sorry about that, it's a bit wild out there....Vincent I think you need some warmer clothes on & pull that hat down before it heads east & blocks up shaney's chimbley.
that's better

what?! no spttd dck? actually I'm not that keen, I prefer jam, apple or syrup, I said SYRUP, sponge...oh, & lemon... & ginger...oooh, who started this?

haha, love the video, I'll send you some more blackbirds if you like Kit....they must have got through a ton of raisins this winter & I wouldn't mind if they didn't use my garden bench as a lav...
ooh, have you seen what that hippy's been up to?

stop posing & let the cat in

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