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Electric knife Cuisinart

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shaneystar2 | 23:29 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
511 Answers
I am trying to track down this knife from an outlet in the UK.I have Goggled myself silly to no avail .
They only seem to have them in the US ....does anyone know if they are are actually available here and where I could get one .Thank you .


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That cat is just like Mousey and even says prrrp! Wasn't posing, am just naturally elegant!
Desk rocking again... Is that a liberty bodice the yokel is wearing...? ...I haven't quite figured out what liberty bodices are yet - and image googling gives such diverse results. / I thought the let the cat in-vid would end with the cat wanting to go out again, they always do that!

I think you should have two birmans, Robinia, like in the picture. Just the one will make you seem like a moth-eaten writer but with two - that's more like a prima donna. Got some traumatic info for you though - you are going to have to check their feet out - eek! eek! - (what is your problem with feet, woman!) before buying, apparently there's a standard to uphold and it's key That site also says they should be "aggressively friendly"!

Shaney did I tell you about Helene Billgren, a painter, who has solved the problem of shopping lists once and for all - she got a tattoo of one, on her upper arm.
Yo...oh bu66er...there all in bed..!
brill pics of cambridge kip, son come's home on saturday...yep , louis is a good kid....Robinia was spot on with .duffy...brill voice ,im sorry but the rain is coming down so quick its interferrrin with the interweb....over Vinny and out..(:O)yo xxx
goodnight biddys.....keep warm..xxxx
yo (*lL*)
oOOPs.....yo (*L*)
my, that's a very sultry young neti... did a beehive like that make you sing like Amy Winehouse?
ha jno with hair like mine, I couldn't move my head once I'd got it styled, as it's rather unruly!

Morning all!
Question Author
You would need plenty of Elnet on that barnet this morning Neti ....I should have back combed and lacquered the felt on the shed roof in place .. came down this morning to find half of the felting is hanging off (again) and all the wooden fascia has splintered away...Just what I need more trouble with roofs of some sort .We only had it all repaired recently's blowing a a gale and a half here ...Sd it I am off inland for some retail therapy ...have a good day all ...
..just having a look to see what it says on my tattoo.......
Gldn Syp ,Chs,Lmn dzle,trousers,handbag,lge Gin .........
Don't forget the Mint humbugs, oh I love 'em.
Absolutely lovely weather here, really warm and feels like Spring. Have taken the duvet off but may have to replace it. Off for food shopping - love yas!
oh bu66er, it's blown my head off out there

<snaps off a twig & hurls it at sweti> > > > >

Hope you're all's just as bad inland & I think it'll take more than Elnett this morning shaney, bring me back a pressie please...
whoooosh oh, beehive neti!

be owned by TWO cats Kit? moi? I think not....I wouldn't want one pet that went that out on the tiles at night, it was bad enough having a husband that did. :o/
who's da boss?

I think we need a loud sing-song to drown out the noise......ooherr, anyone got the kwells?

sigh... another hour of root canal treatment done... plus another 2 hours coming up on Sunday to give me a new crown... and what's more it's to replace my pride and joy, my gold tooth, the one that made me look so fetchingly like an Albanian gypsy... Against such misery, what does it matter that my roof has blown to Norfolk and the Amazon is running through the bedroom while my camellias die in the blizzards... Oh cruel world
Oh poor jno, the weight of the world on your shoulders. I have decided to ignore my teeth and they are behaving beautifully (what's left of them)!
oh dear jno, chin up.......oops, sorry, maybe not if you're still dribbling...

oh look who the wind blew in
it could only be....?

...neti, I've got you some new pegs & you won't have to worry about colour co-ordination
just his or hers?

Thought you said you were off to Finland, Shaney...

Hi all, it's your KitCat speaking. So behives are what you call that hairdo of Neti's, my sister had one of those but we called them haystacks. The amount of hair spray that went into that thing, she would stand in front of the mirror with her finger fixed on the trigger forever. I was a kid so I'm not sure whether this is like an urban legend or not but wasn't there talk of girls putting slices of toast inside their behives to stabilize them, and sometimes leaving them in so long that things started to move in there... In Sweden I think the style was inspired by Farah Diba Pahlavi who was often featured in ladies' magazines at the time. Long time ago, but our Neti's still doing them ha ha. (Or is that headmistress?)

Yes, poor jno, you need one of those. Seriously though I do feel for you.

If you've studied the blackbird society Robinia, any idea why they start singing - and jumping about on the ground seemingly aimlessly - just before dawn but just for a short while. It's not until much later in the morning that they start their real singing.

Btw Vinny most members of my family are doctors of ancient history - when quarelling, ha ha. (Only took me 24 hours to think of that joke.)

Kit I think the birds do that to encourage the worms to pop up, so they can then eat them.

Golly Robiwith pegs like that, I'd get arrested. What with a stick insect and a rebrobate bouncing about online (get it?) Last night I put some washing out late, and I didn't check the pegs and I left them and I stood up and said "I am a Peg coordinator" and left them all night, but it was killing me! Improvement indeed.
haha, the blackies are probably worm charming Kit..maybe they've seen anglers tap on the ground to fetch the worms up (they think it's raining).

History, ugh! worst subject at school. I don't know why but I have no ability to retain historical facts. My neighbour is a mine of ancient trivia - more's the pity sometimes. If she tells you about something/someone she kinda backtracks to the days when their ancestors were plankton & then crawls her way forward to the point, if you know what I mean. Just tell me about today!! grrrr.......& I'll tell you about next week, haha.
Ah, the vibrations make them think it's raining, yes that rings true, thanks Neti and Robi. Right now it really is raining on my park. (Sounded conspicuously like one of the winos ignoring the public powder room again but it's been going on for half an hour now so either the winos must not have had their walnuts or it's raining.) Been a long time since my parkbirds had to deal with this kind of roof problem
oooh that makes you a bit nostalgic for a good blob of snow doesn't it? but I probably wouldn't be so happy if it really happened :o)

btw, if you enjoyed the little cat movie yesterday did you see the original?
always worth a second viewing anyway, hehe
hahahaha...bloomin brilliant..Robinia..I like the way the cat pulls his ear up and then lets go..((((twang)))). hehe..(:O)
lovely sunny day..but that wind was so cold.
good joke kip....but dont give up yer job at ikea....whooosh>>> (:O)
anybody heard from Dolly?
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Blimey ..he's put my Gin up 55p a bottle ..the swine !

Had a lovely day out ..bought two T shirts in Marks had a lovely lunch here and then stuffed ourselves with cffe and wlnt cke's a slice for you Robinia and anyone else who wants any ...smashing day in spite of the howling gales . .made a lovely change to go to a big city ..well ,biggish ,and look at something cosmopolitan for a change instead of the usual seagulls , pound shop and Somerfields ....xx

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