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Electric knife Cuisinart

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shaneystar2 | 23:29 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
511 Answers
I am trying to track down this knife from an outlet in the UK.I have Goggled myself silly to no avail .
They only seem to have them in the US ....does anyone know if they are are actually available here and where I could get one .Thank you .


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Pegged shaney?? stop talking about pegs please!!! OK then what colours shall I peg you out with??
that's right, Kit, they must have been about 10-15 metres away and had no idea I was zooming at them. Mind you, they seem to be grimacing at the sight of a human sacrifice elsewhere on the grounds so perhaps they were distracted.
Not alone, Shaney. I'm sorry. That's one bad doctor.

(Hi neti and jno.)

Good night, see y'all at jno's garden party.


~~~~~~~~HAPPY ~~BIRTHDAY~~~~~~~JNO~~~~~~
yo (:O)
Have a cool day jno...
Happy Birthday jno! These are to wear on your travels so you'll always return to the biddies: you know what to do

Don't look now biddies but guess who just passed through the main entrance. i said don't stare

So, any chance of a Campari?
Cheers Neti. Hey jno the others are on their way but you know what it's like with the biddy bus, it has to make so many stops along the way... but before you know it...!
That is brilliant kit how on earth do you do these things!
He he, thanks Neti - but it's just an e-card, in this case from Hallmark. I sent it to one of my email addresses from another one of my email addresses. The recipient - me - gets an email containing a link to click to view the card that her friend (me again!) has sent. Copy that link and put it between the " " the same way you put the code for your drunken lady on the bench between the quotation marks just now. Word of warning, just beware that in some cases the sender's email address turns up on the card, so don't send it from an address you don't want to see published on the AnswerBank.

Oh dear, Shaney, my eyes just fell on my "not alone"-link from yesterday and now I'm fearing it looks as if I meant hey you shouldn't drink alone when in fact what I was saying was that you are not alone - as that's what you were asking. Sorry - if it did look wrong? - it's just da foreigner rambling. I often realize too late the mistakes that I've made both in expressing myself and in interpreting things, and most likely I never notice half of it.

I'm off, see y'all later if the party goes on.

Hope you don't mind I used your knickers for the e-card, Neti.
<stares in disbelief>

Garden party??!!...
....on my invitation it said Gardening Party! I've been out there snippin' & clippin' for hours - I'm too boogered for boogieing....and I'm not sure I'm
suitably dressed

Happy Birthday (again) jno....
enjoy...(I couldn't see a sell-by so they must be fine)

oh, chin up shaney have some tea with me....look after yourself & it might not be so bleak....on the plus side the liver likes sweet starchy food doesn't it? well, that's my excuse
or have the food police squashed that theory too?

great pics mi the party bus, hahaha

keep the noise down please, I think I'll just lie on the table & impersonate a bread stick...zzzzz
aaaggghhh!...... he bit me!

hey! I got a reply from Devon Dating...well two for the price of one actually...whaddyathink? is there a future for us?

a double yokel


tut...can't stand the pace eh? you old 'uns...looks like I'm on the turntables then...

youtube's a funny ole thing sometimes... I've been looking forever for two of my all time favourites & blow me down, if the same person hasn't gone & added them both in the last 7 days...



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