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Electric knife Cuisinart

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shaneystar2 | 23:29 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
511 Answers
I am trying to track down this knife from an outlet in the UK.I have Goggled myself silly to no avail .
They only seem to have them in the US ....does anyone know if they are are actually available here and where I could get one .Thank you .


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Ha ha that one I can view Vinny (though only the size of a stamp, but still funny!)
Not the mailer demon innocent i am.....(:O)
guess what...the Jacksons are moving in.. yo
bet he cant do that on Wooly beach yo (:O)
Aww why didn't y'all tell me Emily Perry (Madge Allsop) had died. She was a hundred.

The Jacksons all living under the same roof, there's a nice thought to hold on to, Vinny... top ten Off stage he gives me the creeps but no one can deny Michael's talent, that's for sure.
oh I didn't know 'Madge' had died Kit I didn't hear it on the news...
She came from Devon originally & I'm rather hoping they all look like her 'cos I've joined the Devon Dating in Vinny's Gazette....
How's this sound? - "Voluptous 42 yr old, natural blonde, (sez so on the box), pipe smoking posh bird seeks....."

this is how you get him to open the door
Oi! hippy! call that a beast you got out there?

Ha ha ha, yes but it's a game cat Robinia, it's vicious!
`@_@'/ miaow.!
Well, late at night so nobody will see them, here are some photos...


Panama canal



Kit, I used the megazoom on the coati (in Costa Rica) and the girls (at Chichen Itza in Mexico) and it worked ok, got in very close from some distance away, but other photos were rather fuzzier. The watermelons and cabbages were in a shop, or maybe it was just a house, in Honduras.
Lovely photos jno, so clear and no shake, which I get all the time. Loved the watermelon one.
Bonjour madames biddys...
laboratory garnier..!!!!..tis quiet with out that wind...
you got some mean camera there jno...smashing pics..!
hope you are all eating a good breakys this morning..coz I want you all to have a yo you know it makes sense...(:O)
me paper says more ladys are wanting to join the navy... yo thought there was a reason..hehe..
oh no..kips sending the mail demons back....yo (:O)
yo dudes...oi, Vincent was that you clattering around this kitchen at 6am interrupting my beauty sleep?....tut... I'll be needing some anti-wrinkle assistance
well at least they match

lovely pics jno... I think my puta's slowly giving up so just in case I disappear have a lovely birthday tomorrow!
But if you're all really unlucky, it'll hold out until Tarquin brings his current one that he says I can have (he's building a new sooper pooter for himself)
<have I told 'em that before?>

well, you would love the melons wouldn't you neti

quaite naice here at the moment....but allegedly it's gonna snow next week!!
Ooooh gooody - pegs!!!!
this one looks useful....Vin! come here a minute
oooh you been on that site to robinia....hehe..! (:O)
Oooops...! Eeeeeeek...oh no..! (:O)
<kit trying to figure things out> if everywhere that jno goes one or several members of the royal family soon will follow, does that mean that jno played the drums in Jamaica shortly before charles and camilla did? And... does it thereby also follow that whenever jno goes to worship in the temple of china... won't be long before ...? <they can't very well hang me for high treason can they - or can they?> Didn't think I'd saved the piccy of your loo did you jno. / Beautiful pictures from your trip too; do you mean to say that you were so far away that the girls didn't even know you were taking that picture? It's very good, the zoom really is something else. <hurriedly draws curtains>

ROFLMAO at Kip sending the mailer daemons back, Vinny... I will make contact, I will make contact... ...and apparently it shall have to be by employment of the black magic in my grimoire there. (Seriously though if I really have sent any mailer daemons back, it's unwittingly.) / Dear yokel, I posted another take on that song in January, it's unforgettable so I'm now sure you don't read all our posts! You are bad. And weren't you supposed to post Jude's piccy on here, or what? Headmistress I give up... would be easier to move a town than to get that yokel to behave. Right, I'll just get on with it...

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Well...I am shocked .....I only wanted an electric knife and I get asked if I have been to the lav this morning !!
What are you like !:))
Lovely piccies Jno ..and bows and scrapes have a lovely day tomorrow Ma'am ...
Well ..I am going to retire to the front room and sulk ....according to my doctor my liver enzymes are a bit dodgy and I may no longer drink any alcohol .And if they have not improved in three months when I go back I will be pegged out to dry no doubt .I don't really drink vast amounts of gin but I do like a tipple now and again . Tell me I am not alone. He reckons that because I had severe jaundice several years ago it has affected my liver and the alcohol doesn't help .
Oh woe ..what are you supposed to do in your old age ...curl up and bldy die ? Don't eat this...don't drink that ..gawd might as well become a nun..... stuffs creme egg sideways

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