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Electric knife Cuisinart

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shaneystar2 | 23:29 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
511 Answers
I am trying to track down this knife from an outlet in the UK.I have Goggled myself silly to no avail .
They only seem to have them in the US ....does anyone know if they are are actually available here and where I could get one .Thank you .


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I believe small families of immigrants have been found hiding in beehives, Kit, but neti's is up there with the best... ehiveDM3009_468x466.jpg

Goodness, Robinia, history is my specialist subject, just ask me about smallholdings in 7th-century Mercia sometime. It was nuclear physics that was my weak point, which explains the little accident in the backyard
Hi All Just called in to say goodnight to you. Loved all your posts today and the links expecially the cat Robi. I laughed out loud!!
Thank goodness the wind has dropped might get some sleep tonight. It kept roaring round the house and i thought we were going to have another tremor.See you all soon :o)xx
evening all....the cats are funny, I love the bit in the new one when he smashes the gnome's head off!

oh go on shaney, rub it in why don'tcha?...I am sans gateau :o(...not a jam tart, nowt. Glad you enjoyed your shopping but T-shirts? tut... I hope you're not going to be exposing white bits, ne'er cast a clout remember. I think we need to pass the hat around for Vin now they've hiked up his Saturday night medication charges...can't have him sober or he'll stop telling us he loves us....hehe.... (we love you too Vinny x)

erm, yes jno you really must tell me all about it .....sometime....
Quick shaney send me some of that delicious coffee and walnut cake, I am in desperate need, I have found that I only have ONE orange peg left, what am I going to do?????
morning tout...still far too breezy here for my liking, but hey-ho, I think I can finally get my itchy foot into my toetectors so look out world..

now I have permission - I think! - to give a mention to our Biddy of mystery, font of all knowledge & slipper wearer of the year & I hope it's the right time....
(((drum roll)))

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday jno!
Have a lovely day, hope the sun shines for you.
(well today, tomorrow, sometime soon)

oh NO! you leaned too close to the candles!
all could be revealed!!!!

* btw, I meant permission from the toastmaster...not jno
Question Author
Oooh I say a Biddy Birthday ....
���Happy Birthday Jno and many Happy Reruns���
Have a lovely day xx
thank you all but it is not till Saturday. However I will get out the marquee -m8079.jpg

and hire the odd entertainer 65531.jpg

and cook a cupcake /jpg/_40681307_cake1.jpg

I am also celebrating the return to health of the computer... it spent all yesterday crashing, but Stan the Bulgarian came round at two hours' notice, spent half an hour running through all my programmes, then another half hour on his hands and knees dismantling the engine and removing dirt from the fan, and charged �20 the lot. Thank heavens for immigrants! What a nice man. He didn't even want a cup of tea.
oops sorry jno didn't mean to rush you on there, we weren't exactly sure which day it was - does that mean I've got to maintain this updo 'til then? Oh what the heck, I'm up for a three day event if someone can carry me outa here in style when it's over.
>>>>>>>>rushes in>>>>>
somebodys birthday....erm...i knew it was saturday jno...some people just jumps the gun they do......hahahaha...okay im lying
have you received the card from the queen yet..! errr hang on a mo..didnt you have a birthday six months is the queen....quickly drops to the floor and touches forelock... dont spose there's any chance of a go with me cdm......(cadburys dairy milk)(:O)
I shall look forward to wetting me whistle come saturday...ermm...I dont normally partake...but seeing its a special occassion....YO (*L*)
Us biddies have never let a small thing like the wrong day interfere with our partying - we'll do it again on Sat, Come on everybody!
getting some boogie practice in

YO-YO Vin! NO-NO pic Vin!

Yo Yo Robinia....this pic...yo (:O)
well i can see the bu66er...! have yer paid yer lecky bill hehe..!(:O)
Good morning possums. Had a beast of a day and missed your silly company all the time. I'm going to open my mouth, open a bottle of wine, turn it upside down and let gravitation do the rest. No price rise here. 55 p, that's outrageous! Bet the swine says he did what he did to save you from yourself Shaney

have a seat Vinny We are delighted to see so many applicants for the job as IKEA comedian. All applications will be... dealt with. Robinia how the hell did you manage to get through to the toastmaster letterbox? I tried too (yesterday) as I suspected last year that jno's birthday was very close to that of my brother's-in-law, which is Sunday, but he'd replaced the autoreply "joke" (kip laughing at autoreply think madge allsop) with a mailer daemon bouncer instead. But anyway: Happy birthday unbirthday jno! Un-happy birthday jno? Oh you know what I mean.

Have you bought the catnip yet Robinia to make your birmans feel welcome: nip trip

(PS I've paid my leccy; little good it does me.)

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