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Electric knife Cuisinart

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shaneystar2 | 23:29 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
511 Answers
I am trying to track down this knife from an outlet in the UK.I have Goggled myself silly to no avail .
They only seem to have them in the US ....does anyone know if they are are actually available here and where I could get one .Thank you .


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not g'otter clue what any of 'em are on about

just passin' on thru, I'm a bit busy.....I've got what looks like a cluster of insect bites near my ankle....25 of the bu88ers!!!! I kid you not! if I have my normal reaction I won't be able to stand on it for days, grrrr. I'm hoping I've taken anti-histamine in time to stop that happening...

Wow, what a lovely looking bro you have jude. send him over!!

shaney Ido not have a line , I have a whirly gig, so I actually stand on the same spot and whizz the line round to change those varmint pegs!"!
Ooops sorry spotty didn't notice your post there. Hope you don't swell up

Robi swelling up!

See you all later.
just passing through to.....(:O)
no worrys kip....Just blame it on the becks...
nails up letter not wearing them shaney hehe..!
blimey..♫ whats that coming over the hill ,is it a monster...♫ .nooooo...! looks like a bloomin great storm.....
quick..where's me hammer and nails whoosh>>>>(:O)
later dudes .... if me house is still ere...eeeek....!
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Ha ha Neti's a Whirly Girlie ....oh lord my imagination is now really working overtime .Pirouetting Peggy :))

Have you got the itchycoos Robinia ....I don't know where the liittle B's come from at this time of the year ..I got bitten about three weeks ago on the inside of my forearm and that was a sort of cluster bite ..It drove me bloomin' crazy and it's still itching little or much .
Yep ..storms on the way folks batten down the hatches and wear your thick socks :))
Evening possums, I just heard some totally random hammering on a piano from somewhere in the house, rather like if Nora the cat were a cougar. I haven't heard anyone playing the piano in this house for years so I think it was probably Jude I mysteriously heard rehearsing tonight's little soir�e, ha ha ha!

Ouch Robinia, how's that ankle doing?

just one of Shaney's darned socks?

Have you got your ladder out yet Vinny or isn't the storm quite stormy yet. You could clean the chimney bricks. Or a treetop. or better yet!

Any of you relics know what a tumblelog is...? I know I didn't, a couple of weeks ago. It's similar to a blog but different as well, a tumblelog is more like a scrapbook - i.e. there's much less commentary on a tumblelog than on a blog. I started one the same day I read about. I'll show it to you but I don't think you'll be all that amazed as it's mostly stuff I've already posted on the biddy threads, and in fact some stuff some of you have already posted on the biddy threads, ha ha! But I'm thinking that a few of you might be inspired to start your own. It's very easy, and free, and fun.

Do me a favour, would you, tell me if anything looks wrong - I've been writing html to customize the site and I don't know the first thing about html except what little we all do on here. Apparently there are all sorts of html and they say it may appear differently from one screen to another depending on what browser you use, I think? Or depending on something, anyway. Looks alright on my screen and a few others but I have no idea if that means I've done it correctly or if it's gonna look odd on somebody else's.

echo park

(PS. It's got that annoying thing where after you click on a link you have to click on the backwards arrow to go back; you can't just close it as that closes the entire Echo Park as well. The customizing board offers a choice to open links in a new window but it doesn't seem to be working.)
Listen my little possums - if it gets really windy where you live, take care, and all report here tomorrow early so we know which of you has been blown away. Thinking of you x
love that quote from Yeats, Kit. But my life is too short to set up a tumblelog. I am currently spending most of it sorting out 1000-odd photos. If any of them are any good I will post links to them, but don't hold your breath.

Just getting the sandbags down, neti. I am no more than 800 miles from Cornwall and the seas there looked very wet on the news tonight. I'd better check for possible leaks... g
Hi jno, how did your new camera perform on your trip?
well, Kit... some odd things. Some pictures came out just a little smeary, as if there'd perhaps been some condensation on the lens (understandable in hot countries perhaps) - looked very arty on some jungle photos but not what I was actually trying for. And sometimes the automatic focus and exposure didn't work as well as it should. Sister with an ordinary point-and-shoot occasionally got some better shots than me, which is very annoying! But the zoom was very zoomy and enabled me to get up close to the occasional Jamaican who would have beaten me to a pulp if he'd known. So I'd give it about a 70% pass rate, which was a bit less than I'd hoped.
Is everyone here, what about sproutman he's probably had it worse. Mind you after my last posting wishing you all well, we had the mother of all storms, totally unexpected it was, I had to put on waterproofs and dash outside to retrieve my washing which had been spattered earlier with paella juice, and being a white jacket from Primark (�5 or thereabouts) I didn't want it muddied. I was drenched afteronly 5 mins. Lovely now though and jacket pristine although moist.
Morning All Hi Neti reporting in as requested. It is raining and windy but not as bad as they are having it on the coast. Hope you are all ok in the UK. Take care Vinny and Shaney.
My Sunday lunch went down ok and Teabag loved my Eton Mess!! We went for a walk to Elvaston Castle and when we came back he played the piano for me. He's a great pianist and he's set my piano up for the best reception in the room where it is.
Looking forward to some Photos Jno
Anyway, whereever you are have a good day. See yer later gater(s) :O)
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Helloooo ....... it's me Neti ...I'm in your garden rescuing my washing ...hehe ......
Actually I am sitting here in my dressing gown looking out at the battering my garden has taken ! It's a bit wild out there ..
I think Jude should give us a tune ....
♫ I just blew in from the windy city ...♫

Hope you are OK down there Vinny windy Woolie.. .... I've just seen robinias wincies fly past the window ....get ready to grab them ....
Hello everybody...
dont spose anybodys got a spare roof. I only noticed it was gone when I climbed me ladder...a pair of wincies went flying past....and robinia was wearing them...i managed to crab her,and I parcelled her up and sent her first class back to derbyland..bloomin crockles...hehe..!.
its been a noisy ole night and we had some thunder and lighting....but i think the worst has past now...even the suns trying to come out....!
right must go and try to turn me car the right way up...later dudes..(:O)
morning windbags, hope you're all ok & pegged down I in the right place?
my scarf's blown across my face
Actually it hasn't been too bad (yet!) but we've more to come, in fact it was sunny & blue skies here for a while but it's looking dubious now.

Handsome & talented bro you have there Jude...I think you posted some still pics of him before...I seem to remember discreetly asking 'IS HE MARRIED??' :o)

Lovely blogette you've created there 'Cat'. I think I'll do a FogeyBlog (a Flog?)...there'll be a yellow haze across the pages from the sun blinds & you'll have to open lots of little glass fronted drawers to see the pictures...oh & every now & then a whizzy gizmo will zoom past & if you're quick enough to click on it a naked hunk carrying a cstrd will fall out. Oh dear, I'm delirious now, must have OD'd on anti-histamine (thankfully working)

speaking of Cats, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm in love with one (no, no, behave) beautiful are these? (Birmans)
goodness, much more rain and I'll have to retrieve the SS Farewell Trollop to sail down to the end of the garden. OK, I've seen the lawn a bit damp before, but never with whitecaps...

that sky looks ominous

The good news is it's just as bad in the Caribbean - Charles and Camilla are out there, my spies in Highgrove tell me, and the weather's awful, and Camilla can't eat or sleep. So I left just in time.

The camellias are all out in my garden and probably look lovely, only as I'm red-green colourblind it all looks brown to me. I can tell them apart close up, weather permitting, but not from the kitchen window.
[IMG][/IMG] This is Mousey, she is a burmese, very similar to those cats Robi but you can't see her eyes they are a beautiful blue.
Oh jno you had better come and admire my garden, it's full of weeds and it's all brown anyway, so you'll enjoy it:

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