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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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That's ok Woofy. Just a long as Mr W is getting some rest from everything x
That's great news woofy, carry on with the good progress mr w!

Very poshe Lottie, start polishing the tiaras. :o)

Hmmph, sunshine shaney? (that's not easy to say) Washing out? No chance of that here which is no great shame to me really cos my head's been really bad again today :'o(. Then again if the weather hadn't changed maybe I wouldn't have had it in the first place. Oh pee po piddle...I'm going to watch ...or squint at...The Royal. Bit cheesy it's true shaney but they have scenery & music....and sh1tehawks :o)
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still sis is coming on tuesday so she can dogsit while I chauffeur DH around.
That'll be good Woofy .One less thing to worry over and you 'll know they've got company .Keep trucking old girl xx

Well I had to dash up out and get the washing in .Luckily it was nearly dry and then ........down came the rain in cats ,dogs,puppies and kittens and I think it's only just stopped !
At one stage it was brilliant sunshine and hammering down .

Oh I do like The Royal Robinia . I think I've watched it since the off and now there's only two more episodes :(
Mind you dear old Wendy Craig is getting on a bit .Her crepe soled shoes must be fair worn out traipsing round after Mr Rose all these years .
I like the music too.
I wish you all a restful night and hope your head soon clears up Robinia .
Night all.
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Dh's first words this morning. "I feel better, much much better...." flags will be flying over woof gang towers if I can find them
Joly well done Mr Woofy, now keep it up!

Morning each and every one!
Ah jude, that's lovely although it kept breaking up but I heard some of it. Press + and ctrl and your text should become bigger.
Damn and blast, have left my bag with money, phones et al in car and Mr N has gone to the other side of the island to work. It was a bit fraught this am, he had to go early at 7am to do one job, get car back in time for me to take hija to work at 9.15am (she came in at 5am) then I had to hurtle through the country side to avoid a very large very slow digger which was on the main road, and then Mr N shot off to avoid same digger, so I am left with nothing!!!
Dear Penurious of Ibiza, I recommend a morning of online shopping, it does wonders for the soul.
Good Morning,

Great news about Mr Woofy!! That's lovely.

Shaney, meant to say that I looked for a great big heap of boxes in Picky's area on Saturday, but couldn't see anything!!

Neti, your daughter reminds me of myself at about that age. In at 5.00am and out again for work at 8.00am on quite a regular basis. The very thought of that now, but we cope when we are young!! I think I lived off adrenalin in those days, skinny as a rake, partied all night, knocked back the booze (but never in a drunken state and no help from illegal substances).

I can't believe I am the same pereson.

Miserable day here, grey, cool with rain in the air.

I think I might take jno's advice, a morning of on-line shopping sounds great - but perhaps not - too much money spent a tthe weekend.

See you later.

Morning all
Glad to see Mr Woofy is feeling better .
Dull here but the sun is struggling to come out .
Must dash .Errands to do.
See you all later .Be good :)
Be good indeed! Fat chance of being anything else :o(
Good news Woofy. Keep it up Mr W. How good of your sister to come and dog sit for you. I'm sure that's not all she's coming for but it will give you one less thing to worry about.

Blimey Neti I couldn't cope if I hadn't got all my cards purse and phone with me. I would be on the bus to fetch it. Even if I hadn't got my bus pass with me. If you're wondering where I'd get my bus fare from I have a little money box with odds and ends in. :¬) Sorry the Vid reception wasn't good. it played ok here. Probably the wrong time to put it on anyway. Thanks for the tip on making the text bigger. I did know about that but had totally forgotten. It's an age thing - so people keep telling me.

Hi Jno, Lottie, Shaney and Robi. Hope your feeling better Robi. The weather can get to you sometimes. While I love the Summer, the heat sometimes gets to me and makes me feel really 'muzzy' headed and weary sometimes. I just have to sit in the shade or go and have a lie down til it cools down. Mind you it isn't very often that hot is it!!

I'm going to school this afternoon for the last time before the holidays. The class I helped last week are going up to the Juniors next year and they gave me a lovely bunch of flowers and a card which they had all individual signed. I have taken a photo of them in their vase to show them that they are still going strong.

Lottie - Wedding venue looks lovely I hope it's a good time for you and Mr. L.

I've just discovered something, everytime you click on enter key it adds 2 to the clicking counter.

I'm off now - have a decent day everyone with or without your purse and phone (Neti)

Laters 'gaters
Morning (just) all...
well done Mr W, keep it up!

well it's certainly not the heat making my head ache (it's still nagging) Jude, it's almost like winter to me. I'm sick of hearing the wind roaring & things creaking & banging. My head's so fuzzled I had to reread your post before I realised you'd taken a pic of the flowers an not the children 'in their vase'....I was beginning to think you were helping the Borrowers. :)

C'mon neti, you mean to say you haven't got a secret cash stash? I need to teach you a thing or two....tip: don't put it anywhere that'll be revealed when any decorating's done...and don't put all your eggs in one basket :o)
I don't have a secret cash stash anywhere. Perhaps I better think about it!!

I have often left my handbag in my own car for days outside in the drive, with my phone, etc. in it and then had a panic when I decide to go out. Just shows how much I use my mobile!!

Sorry about your head Robi. We had violent storms here yesterday afternoon and I had a dreadful headache and was so stuffed up. I think the shopping in Norwich on Saturday also contributed. Felt better after a two hour kip in the afternoon and when the storms had finished.
I have just dound a cash stash, jno jnr left a small bucket of coins behind when he moved out, so that'll be useful for parking... don't know if others' departing offspring do the same, but it might be worth checking. Hope Mr W is on the up and the Robinian Fog is dissipating.
Am having an enforceed lazy day and it ain't so bad. Jude there is no bus to where Mr N is working it's a tiny village out in the sticks. I do have the Dentist's money put by but if I start in on that I'll never get it together.
have dug out my English Orange payg phone and have texted hija on that in case she needs something.
Just remembered we have a money box of Master LL's - no I lie, in fact we have two, one for coppers and one for 5p's, but they don't feel very heavy. Might make a couple of quid!!

No good for bus fares though as we only have two buses a week and I have no intention of walking half a mile to get on a bus to somewhere I don't want to go to.

Quite windy here now. I think summer has gone.
Norfolk is like Ibiza Neti. No buses to the little villages!!

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