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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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oh big tuts neti...I said TUTS!...why didn't you say that earlier, I've been floating around tintershops all afternoon? I couldn't be bothered to go shopping and like shaney said, the wind's irritating & chilly when the sun goes in so I've not pottered outside either.
What size are ya?
Well I vary size 14 bottoms and 16/18 tops!

Amy Winehouse is dead, can you believe it.
Well ..I bought my jacket in Debenhams ! Frumpy ? How very dare you :))

She's already up on Wiki .Very sad really ,only 27 years old .
I saw that, shaney, but I can remember when everyone died at 27 - Jimi, Janis and Jones. Amy was a bit of a throwback in a way. But she did have a good voice.

Sorry to hear of the alarms and excursions with wobbly OHs; I do hope they all get sorted out.
Well I very rarely go into Debs and come out empty handed, smack her with your handbag shaney :o) You haven't been searching right neti, to be honest if you search for 'aqua' you may well turn up frumpy things...try just looking for blue or turquoise.

Great shame for Amy's family but no surprise, very sad. Anyone posting sick jokes I hope will be sent straight to the dungeon.
I agree Robi ther are some dreadful comments on AOL news. I just 'switched off'
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Just wanted to let you know that once more biddy waves have triumphed and we are getting over the wobbly bit. DH is sleeping peacefully and now so will I
The most frumpy clothes of all are M&S Classic collection. My grandmother wouldn't have even worn those clothes!

Just called in to say goodnight and check on Messrs S and W. Glad they are both improved.

A peaceful night to you all.

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hello all, DH has just had a drink of lucozade and an orange ice lolly and gone back to sleep :-)
Morning all, sunny and a very fresh breeze here...

Well done Mr W! I shuddered at the thought of lucozade & an ice lolly at that hour but if it makes him feel good then why not? :o)

Oi Lottie! That's my favourite department you're calling!....haha, not. When I was wandering around M&S a while back I looked at the sea of floral nylon & said to my sister, probably too loudly, 'Who the h€ll wears this stuff?!'...sis just cracked up :o) Mind you, when we were in Debenhams recently I did think there's a fine line between modern & mumsy with a lot of the florals that are around...I think I should give up trying to keep up & just wear casual classics because that's what I have the most wear out of. I'm a jeans & parka woman....with slippers :o)

Well I woke up at half past 3 with a's getting very tedious now. It'll be the change of weather going back up again <sigh>.
Morning all, no offence meant to yourselves or Debenhams, it's just that on the website all I got was black trousers, a pair of grey shorts and an overthetop wedding hat. I dislike M&S too although I buy their knickers and bras. I prefer Matalan.

Having hours of storm here and it's chilly, raining nonstop and everywhere is now flooded, what a relief!
Right I am officially awake now!

Good old Mr W keep on licking, an ice lolly at any time is delicious!

Hope Mr s is feeling better also and you too shaney.

<<<< waves to the rest of the biddies >>>>
Good afternoon all! Lovely day here and I presume that you are now all outside enjoying the sun.

Robi, I am a jeans and parka person too, plus some linen trousers for occasions and quite a lot of combat trousers too, plus loads of tops. Not a frilly person in any way.

Palazzo pants for wedding though - there is no way my white legs are going on show!!

Matalan stuff is made for midgets Neti!! Mind you I have to drive 20 plus miles to find a Matalan in the first place.

Going to finish watching Grand Prix now!!
Hi Folks
Not a bad day here . The sun's out after a dull morning but we've got an east wind blasting up the lokes and it's a bit chilly .Unless it's me .I'm not very warm and have got a jumper on !
Hope Mr Woofy enjoyed his lolly and that he feels better today .
All quiet here .Mr S is watching sport and I'm doing crosswords .

M&S are hopeless these days apart from basic stuff like knickers ,Tshirts and plain black trousers.
Ours is so tiny and claustrophobic . I only go in there for certain things .
Hope you are all OK .Toodlepip for now .
Just returned from a paella lunch, it was heaving and we were stuck inside, and Mr N was pleased cos he got to see all of the Grand Prix, I had wine and lemonade (gaseosa for want of a better word), and am quite contented, and back in bed watching Come Dine With Me (recorded).
Evening everybiddy. Here we are again, Sunday and almost the beginning of another week. I walked to a village up the road (eh Robi) it took me 1¼ hours to get to a friend's house. I was going to get the bus back but he gave me a lift. Since I've been back I've just read the papers and done the puzzles and had me lunch. Shaney I managed 16 out of 27 clues in the Skeleton. Rubbish! But better than last week though.
I've bought myself a ticket to go to Nottingham Capital Arena in October to see Dylan and Knopfler. Don't know yet how I'm going to get there and back but plenty of time to think about that. There were only 9 seats left where I wanted to sit. Facing the stage on a tier. I shall take my small binocs I expect I'll need them! £66 it cost me but I really want to go. Steady loves Knopfler and Steadier down south loves Dylan. I thought that was a coincidence.

I hope Mr S and Mr W are having a relaxing day as well as everybody else of course.
Hope your headache has eased Robi.
It's about cuppa time now for me so have a good night whatever you're going to watch. I might try Law and Order UK.
See yer later 'gater(s)
I'd love to see both of them jude, magical!
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still KBO'ing.......night night all
just sleep walking on through...kbo all, nite x

> > > > >zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz > > > > >
Night all, I've had wine induced siesta, so I'll probably be up half the night!

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