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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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oh I'll have some of that thanks shaney, I haven't smelt or seen the sea for years...might be time to put that right.
You're welcome to come and stay at Shaneytowers by the Sea any time Robinia
But I'm telling yer now
And no chish and fips in the bedrooms :)
Night Night
Ya boo sucks to Robi, Nadal won, I do hope his foot injury won't stop him from competing more.

Morning all, family all off early today which pleases me, thought I'd have a lie-in but am raring to go!
Still having a lie-in :0)
Good morning, off for blood tests - again!!

No wonder I was hot yesterday. Rural Norfolk and Gravesend hit the highest temps.

Sorry Neti. T J Hughes in Administration. Shame :o(

See you soon

I know TJ Hughes, can't believe it, I love the place, get all my bedding and handbags, perfumes and reading glasses there, oh woe is me.

Off to dentist, they have forgiven me!!!
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Morning all dog's had a nice cool early run today, back all better. Busy day today (shampooing carpets :-(. ) alters all. Neti were the x word answers correct?
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Oh just read the thread properly I see they were d'oh must be the heat
Jane Norman went under the other day too, I think.

I have received some paid work to do, the first since I retired, so I may be some time. It is a book on grammar to proofread (which is something I used to do ocasionally in my spare time). It has several grammatical mistakes. My superpowers are needed.

<dons dangling modifier cloak in phone box>
Dentist painless but still not finished. She now admits that she was really worried about my gap getting bigger and bigger, I have lost more bone than is usual but she is getting me a false thingy which will fill in the gap and flesh coloured, she is so nice. Have bought myself a black gypsy skirt with wide elasticated waist which is now under my armpits and looks quite respectable for the casa! Aslo some black rubber flipflops cos I do want to be able to wear them again so am breaking myself in gently as it were! Have to wait for the dentist to call me for next app cos over here they are all private and so have to work for free in the Hospital so she is off for two weeks, they only do extractions for free and advice. Doctors also have to do this free work.
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break in shampooing...main head thingy won't work so I have to do it all with the upholstery attachment Arghhhhh
G'day all...I think it was 33C here yesterday but it cooled considerably when the sun went in & today it's very fresh - in the drizzle :o(

Thanks shaney you're very kind, you'll be happy to know I always treat other people's homes as I do my own..

I'd heard about Jane Norman, I like those clothes, but didn't know about TJ Hughes, I'm surprised about that... and poor neti will have to make do with a dab of 4711. Hope you get your dental work sorted soon neti, it's been ages now hasn't it? I think the longest run of appts I had was six weeks with Yogi who did the cosmetic work...but I hadn't been to a dentist for years.

Oh no, jno proof reads grammar books?! Hope she hasn't kept a record of all my mistakes from the past 7 & half years....<throws badge out of window>
I used to do some proof reading for OU units during my employment there back in the early 70's. Iworked for the Director of Publishing who also was the translater of the Tin Tin books from French into English. She was also a very well known figure from Bletchley Park. My claim to fame. I type the English translation into the little speech bubbles in 'Cigars of the Pharaoh'!! I believe she is still alive.
Just made two pillow slips for hija's room from the curtain off-cuts. Look Ok but threads and material everywhere, had to get Henry out! I am such messy worker and in the kitchen too, but I always clear it up!
Ha ha that's how the kitchen looks after I've made dinner!!!
I am bloody cold!!
I am bloody hot!

(Do you know that in Spanish I am cold means I am frigid! One has to say I have cold! Made that mistake several times!!)
oh, I'll proofread anything, it's just a coincidence that it's a grammar book. It's by a soldier who's spent his career summarising despatches for army commanders.

hmmm, I imagine neti wandering down the British high street saying 'I am hot' to passing males... that would never be misunderstood, I'm sure.

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