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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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15a improv or improvisation
10d L dopa

Glad to hear you are not killing each other Lottie

Robi we pay BT 20 quid a month for all our internet (two obsessive users) and all our phonecalls.
yes woofy, that's what I'm paying but it's 10gb limit p month...seems Iplayer/you tube uses a lot so that's out from now on but just browsing uses very little.
Oh thanks woofy, can you get back to my cleaning now please!!

We pay 90€ a month for unlimited Broadband and free local calls, which we rarely use, we are getting ripped off!
and thanks Robi
oi! where's my thanks? :'o(

oh there they are :o)
Question Author
for 20 quid a month you should be getting more than 10 gig...or does that include your line rental?
Neophiliac Neti
Hi all
Lovely day .Just come in for me lunch .Am perched in garden with sunshade brolly ,crosswords and book . I mean to make the most of this as it's downhill again from tomorrow according to the forecast .

Robinia that's very mean of BT to limit your internet .
We have unlimited broadband ,free calls and cable Teevee for thirty quid a month with Virgin .
Take care all .Hope you are enjoying the weather .
I am not enjoying it one bit Shaney. I am indoors - it is boiling hot out there and really, really windy. A hot wind!!

Roll on tomorrow.
Many thanks shaney, never heard of that one x

Damn and triple damn, my dentist app was for today and I missed it cos I thought it was tomorrow! Have spoken to their answerfone and hope they will get back to me with another appointment, I feel sure they will as I still owe them 150€
Just watched Scott and Bailey, I do enjoy it, does she die do you think?
I hope not. They make a great twosome and I am hoping for another series.
I'm back and to prove it I'm here. It's taken me 3 days to catch up with your posts and then I have to admit I've not taken it all in. So I'll say I hope hubbies are on the mend. and Robi get well soon. It has to be the weather making your head bad surely. Anyway hope all aches and pains aren't so bad for any of you. I have been quite busy washing and sorting things out. Also yesterday I went to the County Show at Elvaston and got really hot and my arms and face caught the sun. Not too badly but it's not a thing I like to do. Me and My Sister walked for 4 hours round all the stalls etc.
then home. I hadn't eaten anything since my breakfast so was really hungry and did a quick meal of Salmon and Veg.
I had a great holiday and have some things to tell you including about when the coach broke down and we had to get a replacement, the entertainment at the Hotel, the scenery, the rainy days, the trip up the Cairn Gorms and what happened on the way home when I lost my mobile down the side of the coach :~). Will write again later as I have to do something to eat and I probably wont get the tales on one post anyway. I'll have to do it in installments I think :~)
(Lottie you have email)
See yer later 'gater(s)
Oh Yoohoo Jude .Welcome home .I hope you had a lovely time .It all sounds very eventful !
I don't think she dies Neti .They interviewed Amelia Bullimore on some prog yesterday or it might have been the day before apparently and she hinted there was going to be another series .
Or so Mr S tells me .He saw the interview I didn't .
It's lovely here Lofty ,I've got a shady corner and a nice sea breeze wafting up the legs :))
Send me some of your sea breezes Shaney to waft up my legs!!

Jude, nice to see you back and look forward to your stories. I have replied to your mail. xx
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golly its sticky here. Mr W's tum has started of again so he has an appointment at the docs tomorrow, they are lovely, recep lady said no appointments with her really till july5 but I said that he has complex problems which she is aware of and could she (doc) possibly phone him...of course, no problem so she phoned today, agrees that its a viral tum and unpleasant but not scarey and has fitted him in for tomorrow.
Welcome back Jude and get well soon Robi. Shaney I'll take a bucket of those breezes please.
Hey jude, welcome back!
Evenin all...welcome home Jude, glad you had a good time! must be one tough biddy to have walked around in that heat for 4 hrs yesterday, I couldn't do it!

Yes woofy, I suppose that's the catch, I do get my line rental...well I pay for the yr, works out at £10 p month + option 1 BB + anytime phone calls, so it's good really. It was a 'by invitation' deal from BT. Gotta keep my expenses down for a while anyway (won't be long til the winter bills start rolling in again, lol, sorry) so I'll work it out how long I can spend annoying everyone. It seem 10 kgb (or watevva, haha) ought to be enough for what I *need* to do.

Weather's been ok sice the sun hid behind the clods but I've been watching some great tennis...Murray through, both Williams out...just Nadal to lose & my day will be complete.

<ducks and runs> > > > > >
oops, sorry bout the typos...clods, haha...I'm keeping my eye on my dinner, I've got a pie in the oven(!). I've hardly eaten the past 3 days so I need some big time calories. Might have 'nanas & custard for afters...

<oh dear, better disappear quick again, I'll have two of 'em ater me>
Here you are then girls
A nice sea breeze for you

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