Many people are concerned about the damage that they believe humans are doing to the earth and the life it supports Will humans ruin the earth? Or will they ever be able to live in closer harmony... ...
A World in Turmoil Let's see what the Bible says. At Psalm 37:10, 11, Daniel 2:44 the Bible says: “Just a little while longer, and the wicked one... ...
I forgot to take my medication for my epilepsy and I'm panicking because I've gone out for the day. Only remembered when I started to feel ill on way in. Just walking back from lunch today and I noticed these have been plastered all over the place. I don't understand the message, are they sayhing that even if they think... ...
//The latest census revealed that of all the faiths in England and Wales, the followers of smaller religions were most likely to be LGBT+. // Could... ...
Technology usually robs physical items of their use. For example camera's, cd's, DVD's tend not to be sold in stores or used as much due to the development of smartphones/devices. However books... ...
On a recent Norwegian TV programme, Rachel Johnson (Boris’s sister) was asked about the rumours that Brexit had divided the Johnson family. She responded, saying that it has divided the family... ...
Based on a number of posts on this site, quite a few ABers have already swallowed that trick hook, line and sinker. Should it ever come to a vote on us leaving the ECHR, or some serious political... ...
Never really been able to understand the reasoning behind making a new law for assaulting a particular person or profession, the latest being for attacking shopkeepers, while of course they should... ...
Mmm I live in the US, and everyone knows that Trump, and Biden are having a rematch later in 2024. I really don't want trump to win this election. I follow a liberal page on facebook, and the... ...
Unfortunately there is room for only five passengers and the pilot. A major hurricane is coming. There is no time for another rescue attempt before it hits. It is very likely that... ...
In 2007 we got the smelly brainless moron emmitters of gasses out of the boozers, now they are back, what happened? I've been to 3 establishments this afternoon, 2 of which the air is thick with... ...