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Hobbies & Interests
What is your favorite sport & why?...
I have a couple of Cross Stitcher magazines with some patterns I really like the look of; I was considering ordering the kit but thought I'd check how much it would be to buy the stuff individually...
I have inherited about 20plus items of pewter.
How should I dispose of them ?...
I have been trying to Google how to make an aperture for a picture frame to go around a cross stitch picture but all I get is a lot of IT speak for making apertures for cameras and other things but...
I am stitching lemons on a gingham table cloth especially made to stitch on. It is a small cloth but still rather unweildly to hold. Are there any genius ideas out there of how to contain the rest of...
Hi all, A group of friends (12 in all) are embarking on a two day hike challenge covering around 60 miles, with a sleepover in a lodge. Myself and another have offered to provide support services by...
I would love to hear of uses for the lengths of round wool or cotton that French knitting produces.
I have only found one.....a neckband to keep my embroidery scissors on...
Here are some even more interesting things to do with your empty bottles......
http:// www.fav ecrafts .com/Wi ne-Bott le-Craf ts/25-C ool-Thi ngs-to- Do-with -Wine-B ottles- free-eB ook/ml/ 1...
http:// www.fav ecrafts .com/Gr een-Cra fting/1 4-Easy- to-Make -Water- Bottle- Crafts/ ml/1...
Or beer pump clip labels?
I have to go to Southampton tomorrow for my highly uninspiring dull and tedious job but I thought I'd make the whole hideous ordeal a bit more palatable by taking a detour via the New Forest with my...
Don't expect many replies to this thread but I want to launch the question anyway... I'm keen to associate myself with any ABers who might share my passion for the pub sized green baize... Do you...
i need to find a dress pattern for a christening dress for my m-i-l to make. As my daughter will be 18 months and hopefully walking by then, i don't want a christening dress like the ones that go off...
....and possibly my last, they were a real labour of love :-)...
I have a couple of the clear stamps which seem to have got stuck to the backing plastic sheet (acetate?). Any ideas as to how they can be removed? If I pull too hard, chances are that they will tear....
Are there any greeting card makers out there? Received two at Christmas and they are lovely so thought I might give it a try. Any suggestions on how to get started would be appreciated.
I recently inherited a metre lenght of black velvet and on this velvet were two ' embroided 22cm×18cm ' Taj Mahals . They are fantastic and sparkling in gold thread . Its not a bit tarnished although...
Is there anybody collecting stamps nowadays? It seems to be a hobby that has died a death. When I was a child everybody collected stamps and many made it a lifetime (and expensive) hobby. I have a...
I am looking for a small camera that will allow me to time and date each photo on the print. Ah ....and preferably cheap. Can anyone recommend a ...er...foolproof camera?
Thank you....
I've decided to make a dress for a function next year, but I just can't find any decent patterns. I've tried the normal lot (Vogue, Butterick, McCalls, Simplicity etc), but most of them are singularly...