Agghhh! I have finished the baby's bolero and it is ready to be sewn up. I did the left hand side and sleeve just fine. then got distracted by the tv whilst sewing up the right hand side - looked down and wondered what on earth I have done?? Instead of sewing the left and right sides of the open sleeve together, to make the proper enclosed sleeve, I have sewn the left side of sleeve to side of the front! And I have sewn it so well that I cannot see anhy of the stitches to undo it. I now have a one sleeved bolero!
have you got a stitch-picker thing?
Maybe, just maybe a cocktail stick could be eased into the stitched up bit and gently nibbled by nail scissors?
Blooming TV, it's a pain at times. How dare they put on anything exciting when we're busy!!
Sewing is not my forte ..the last ( the very last ) jumper I knitted ..I sewed it up and found I'd sewed one sleeve on inside out .
It's still knocking about somewhere in a plastic bag :)
I've got a bag full of knitted squares .If anyone would like to take them off my hands they're welcome to them .
My SiL and her sister used to sew them all up for blankets for Rumania but some old duck at the group didn't like our jazzy colours and the fact that they weren't exactly what she wanted .
I knit squares from one stitch up which gives a neat square .So we gave up in the end and I'm boogered if I'm going to sit there sewing them :)
Shaney I've had a thought. There used to be, before cutbacks, support groups for all sorts of people, arts and crafts, cooking, etc to assist in their recovery. Maybe contact your local council and find out if there are any in your area who would benefit from the squares?
Shaney - if you can't find a local group to take your squares, then there is Loving Hands - - if you scroll down to the Winter Challenge list, blankets from squares are mentioned. They have groups around the country so there may be one near you - may be worth an email!
Thanks folks ..I'll look into this .
We knitted away merrily for this good cause and sent loads of blankets until ..she who must be obeyed ....poked her oar in and we lost interest after that .