does it shock anybody else how greedy and selfish some women are? i have read posts on here ranging from girlfriends wanting prom dresses to some poor blokes fiancee expecting him to spend 3/4 to his entire annual salary on a wedding ring, my boyfriend says i'm too nice and i'm starting to believe him (although i'm not really that nice at all) as i would never dream of expecting my boyfriend to spend his money on something i wanted, except for christmas and birthday presents, but even then i only want something small as its his money and he should spend it on himself. anyway my point is do other people think some (if not most) women are incredibly greedy and selfish?? i find it shocking and appalling, i really do and i don't want to be tarred with the same brush as these selfish horrible women :o(
When I got up on Easter Sunday morning, my husband had made me a little Easter card, with a picture of a hatching chick & little verse, etc. Like FP's daff's, this really warmed the cockles of my heart & no diamond ring could have meant anything more loving!