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How did you get your user name?

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Up A Pickle | 21:55 Wed 04th May 2005 | People & Places
55 Answers

I got mine because I slipped on some Branston Pickle



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Mine is very boring, it's just a combination of my names and I simply like the number 44!

"Corby" is ma town and "loon" is an Aberdonian word meaning boy, young lad or laddie..... 

Spuddy - to laze around doing nothing in particular (something I'm very good at!)
Queen - because I'm the Queen of Spuddying!

I got mine because my girlfriend father was a thief, he�s still in jail.

A family nickname for me as a child!

I won't tell you the other nicknames I could have chosen from, as last time I said what they were Indiesinger took the mickey and that isn't going to happen again!!
libertie, because according to my friends I sometimes take them!!
I have no idea where I got mine - I think my daughter uses it and I thought it was really cute and sweet
I got mine because I stayed round my mates house one night and she made me sandwiches for work the next day.  When I bit into it, it had far too much butter.....I hate butter!
It's my name and my hair colour.  People here at work address me as it sometimes and I now have friends who just call me Red.

My lovely cat, who died aged 14 and the year I was born.

Smudge - after our beautiful Russian blue cat who died aged 13.

"Dark" because I have a dark side and "angel" because I'm generally considered a nice person!

Got mine from my sister-in-law
It's obvious really it's a part of my name and it's where I live.

i got mine from my hubby and my initials.

nicola-- reds is one of my nicknames too! there are some people i've known for years that still don't know my real name! they know me as reds!and they call my hubby bird cause he can hear a bird and know what it is then call it in closer.( a true gift!)

c-o-r-b- would it be that loon is for a child that you might be? is school the place for corb like elementary or perhaps pre?!
I am the eighth child
Because it is where I live, it's part of my e mail address and I hadn't the wit to think of something more interesting when I registered. 
It�s my first name Tanya and my cats name is vee he kept walking on my keyboard when I was registering
When I was 14 I think I ADORED Jack Wild and then I saw Anthony Newley in Oliver Twist and the Dodger's hat definitely does something to me! Or is it for me?!

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