Habit Of My Lifetime. in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Habit Of My Lifetime.

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gness | 14:12 Tue 11th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I am the world's worst for remembering dates...birthdays, anniversaries...any date.
I was chuffed this morning to remember it would have been the late MrG's birthday today so I had a natter and wished him Happy Birthday....
As MrG was born on his Dad's birthday I also had a natter with Grandad G.. And even more astonishing MrG's son...my stepson....was born on the same date....so I emailed him with birthday greetings.....Grandad, Dad and Son....all celebrating today!

In the garden painting I heard MrG's voice...in my head..my ears don't work.

Gness.....he bellowed....not only do I not like you having painted all the fences, the shed and anything else that doesn't move black.....today is not my birthday....it's not my Dad's or my son's birthday......Our birthdays are tomorrow!
You'll never change, will you......☺☺☺
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Men. A pain, even when they are dead... Glad I never was one...
Thought the shed was pink?
Bummer, you'll have to toast their birthdays again tomorrow ;-)
It's the things' birthdays tomorrow - I spent a whole year thinking it was on March 11 though.
not a lot you can do with Mr G or Mr G, but with the young G, try to convince him that your computer date and time were wrong and that you'd also peeled off the wrong day on the calendar :-D
christ! we will have to go through all this again tomorrow! gness you're wonderful xx
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Black and shocking pink, Shoota.....no creosote at all.....

I will, Eccles.....don't want to waste the time it's been breathing.....

Gosh, Sherr.....my lot could have been twins....just think!

Behave, Jim....☺
or Grandad G even.

And tell Mr G that he's seeing things, not everything is black.
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Irish folk take a drink to the graveyard...a tot on the grave for the dead and a tot for yourself....and an Irish toast...

If I outlive the stepson I'll be plastered in the cemetery.....☺

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