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crossing the road

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wendilla | 12:32 Sun 11th Dec 2005 | People & Places
14 Answers
Have you noticed when crossing at traffic lights that the person on your left will walk right in front of you to go right as soon as you set foot on the pavement.


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Yep I've noticed that too. As a matter of fact I notice lots of stuff with pedestrians. I know I'm really sad but I get quite irate about it. What about when you walk and you're laden down with bags and it's bloody heavy and people insist on walking in front of you so you have walk around them. Or people who walk and you're walking behind them and then suddenly stop to turn around and then you bump into them. Or people who have to walk in twos when there isn't room for it.

Yes yes I know i'm sad getting irate about all of this but at least I can say that I'm probably the calmest driver in England.

wendilla I forgot to say, just do what I do in croosing situation. Speed up so they can't walk in front of you and they'll end up bumping in to you or you hear a huff and puff behind you as they have to stop to wait for you to get in front.
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hi i have just had a good laugh at your reply yes that is all very true and i will certainly try that the next time thanks for your reply. i had to post the question as it happened to me 4 times yesterday.

Or what about people who step out of shop doorways right in front of you so you bump into them, and the people who walk quickly while holding up umbrellas and nearly put your eye out. But the worst of all are the people who smoke in the street and when they are holding the lit cigarette in their hand it is right on the level of a child's face, and they don't seem to care. I have had mega arguments with people about that one.
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WENDILLA AGAIN How about this one then I crossed over at traffic lights this morning with my grandson in his pushchair and guess what happened well youve guessed it so I done exactly what happy_face said and the woman said

WENDILLA AGAIN I was crossing this morning at traffic lights with my grandson in his push chair and guess what happened yes youve guessed. I did exactly what happy_face said and the woman turned round and said"you want to watch where you are going with that push chair".I wont say on here what my answer was but she got the message.

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sorry about how this reply has gone in dont know what happened
Something else that's annoying - am I the only person that gets out of the way of others? When walking on a busy pavement the people coming the other way just keep walking straight and I always have to get out the way. Sometimes I play chicken but it's still always me that loses.
People that get tot he top of an escalator step off and then stop. A you can imagine living in london you get hundreds of people coming up the escaltors at a tube station each minute, so why dont people get off the escalator then get out of the way?
I cannot stand people who walk really slowly in crowds and then just stop, cos I always end up behind them and just want to walk over them.

But the most annoying thing ever, I know it isn't really the same area, is when you go through door look behind you and see someone approaching the door. So like a true nice person would, you hold the door open for them. But rather than quickening their step slightly and reaching to hold the door whilst they go through, allowing you to proceed, they just walk through the door, past you and usually don't bother saying ought. Really makes me wished I'd held it open and slammed it in their ungrateful face.....<count to 10>...........sorry about that, but it really makes me mad!
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thanks to all for your replies yes all true and all happened to just have to grin at them some can be so ignorant.
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I mean some people can be so ignorant

AND, people who walk out of shop doorways quickly and swing round towards you, but they are looking the other way!! They are checking the other way and not the way they are turning! It defies belief! And so you have to guess where the person is going to be by the time they do look, and get out of the way, except that it's impossible to anticipate and at the last split-second they turn round and have to dodge you!


I agree with each and every one of you on this one!

I particularly hate people who decide to stand right in the middle of the pavement (and supermarket aisles) and have a bit of a chat, people who stop walking abruptly, completely unaware that they aren't the only people out and about, people who are looking for things on shelves and stand about a foot away from it so they block the whole aisle, people who abandon their shopping trollies in an aisle while they go and have a look at items...

A colleague of mine's mother is wheelchair bound and she says the ignorance of some people is unbelievable - she gets people who will not move out of the way, people who bang into the wheelchair and all sorts!!

I have been known to push pass stationary people (both in the street and in supermarkets) and loudly shout "Don't mind me!" or "Great place to stand!"

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thanks everyone for your replies .If you stop to think about it everything on these replies has happened to us at one time or another. thanks again

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crossing the road

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