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No TW I did not see the Shakespeare thing and am unaware. I wish I had and wasn't. I really do want a precis of this show and what old Will did. Caxton got the press going King James got the bible going. both of which did more for the english language than Shakey. But didn't he write Psalm 45 or something and put his name in it as proof. one moment I have documentation;
William Shakespeare, is thought to have been 46 years old when he was engaged to assist in the writing of the King James Bible. This is thought to be so, by the following example:
Psalm 46... 46 words into the Psalm is the word - shake. Starting from the other end of the Psalm, 46 words backward, you come to the word- spear... thus giving you: shake + spear = shakespear(e) Anyway no where I could click for said precis?