15. Homophobic people who can�t tell the difference between love and sex, and who condemn gay people on the basis of the sexual activities of a minority of gay men
16. Racist people who think that �black� and �British� are mutually exclusive
17. The weather, because it is still hot and sweaty and uncomfortable here in London, and because all the lovely thunderstorms went elsewhere
18. Media people who refer to hot weather as �good�or �nice�
19.Innumerate people who pretend that there was a Year Zero and who falsely try to pretend that the new millennium started in 2000 rather than 2001
20. People who try to pretend that Nadia is a man and who don�t understand what the word �transsexual� means
21. People who set quiz questions without checking the correct answers properly
22. For example: people who think that Jupiter has 12 moons, who didn�t notice the vast amount of publicity for the Voyager Space Probe in 1979 which discovered a whole lot of new moons, who haven�t noticed the subsequent discovery of several more since, who use reference books which are 25 years out of date, and who think that Jupiter still has only 12 moons instead of 60
23. Or for example: people who think that Saturn has 10 moons, who didn�t notice the vast amount of publicity for the Voyager Space Probe in 1981 which discovered a whole lot of new moons, who haven�t noticed the subsequent discovery of several more since, who use reference books which are 23 years out of date, and who think that Jupiter still has only 10 moons instead of 34