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Town or Country?

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roxyanne | 17:43 Wed 20th Oct 2004 | People & Places
34 Answers
I live in the middle of nowhere in beautiful countryside but work in a city. I do like where I live but the downside is that it can be really dull especially during the winter months. Where does everyone here prefer to live? city or country?


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A pad in both would be nice!

I am a city lad but have lived in remote parts.  I like the countryside, but sometimes I really miss the hustle and bustle of people.  I don't think I could really settle into real rural village life.  Its not really that idyllic when its permanent.

I live in little town close to m3 and m25 but if i had my choice a place in noo york would be perfect, i love london and i'm a city girl. Would be bored in the country, altho a place in the hamptons would be fine!

Have a guess!!!

I have lived in city and now in small town in Cornwall, I prefer the country but the small town breeds small minds!  They seem to know what I'm doing before I do!

City, definitely. I live in Manchester and love it. I just wish I could afford to live closer to the centre.
Country every time.

Country Boy, that happens in my neighbourhood!  I can't fart on my doorstep without the neighbours knowing!

Octavius, I thought that was you that let one rip earlier, they told me about it down the pub!

Country, any time.  And I was born and bred in London.  Managed to escape many years ago. 



nicola-red: I live in Manchester too and think it's okay, but feel its much-vaunted nightlife is strictly limited: fine if you're gay or a student , but if you're a 30-something bloke, it's much the same as evrywhere else.

City without a doubt, i live in Liverpool, it is busy, down to earth and friendly. I couldnt live in the country - not even for a week, far too quiet !.

I think we would all be happier if townies stuck to the towns and bumpkins stayed in the country!  Saying that though, I live in London and enjoy my weekend jaunts to the countryside.  Just not sure I could live there for any particular length of time.   I would have to run a B&B or a pub for visiting townies!
I live in a city but I think I would really like certain aspects of living in the country.  Now, if only I could find a tiny little town to move to with politically liberal people and a sushi bar....
I live on the outskirts of a City, so I have the best of both worlds.
big city, definitely. small towns are more boring and you get lazier and heavier.

GAB everybody.  Definitely town/ city.  The benefits of living in a town rather than the countrybumpkinside are

  • can walk to the shops half a mile away instead of keeping and driving an expensive car just to buy a newspaper from the nearest shop ten million miles away
  • can walk half a mile to a big well-equipped library instead of keeping and driving an expensive car just to go to a small provincial useless library in the nearest small town fifty billion miles away
  • can take the bus or tram or train to get to places which are further away, instead of having to rely on a bus service which only comes once every five hundred billion years
  • no reactionary swivel-eyed red-neck foaming-at-the-mouth country bumpkins spouting out half-baked bigotry about us normal people in the towns

TTML everybody  :-)

Y'know if I had answered this a couple of years ago I would have said city.  Lived in the centre of London for 10 years & loved it!  I totally agree with Bernado, particularly the last point - you can be anyone you want to be in a city & no-one even notices, let alone care.

Now though I find myself married & living in such a quiet town that even the tide doesn't go out after 8 o'clock.  And I love it here too.  What it lacks in fun & excitement it more than makes up for in scenery & quality of environment.  The nearest club might be 15 miles away but I can breathe properly here & I haven't been mugged once.

We go back to London quite often (not as often as I'd like) and I'm still head-over-heels in love with it but I don't think I could move back...
i live in the west country and when i wake up in the morning i can see fantastic hills(the tors)sheep crazing and in the distants the atlantic ocean.5 minutes away is the town center with all the shops you ever need.who needs the big citys .pollution etc.north devon everytime.!!!
I just had a nightmare journey on the Central Line this morning - can I come to the country please...?
bernardo, there you go again with your GAB and your TTML! I have tried to sign up to this yahoo group thing and can't do it! Why must you persist in hounding me with this secret language?! And how can you GAB everybody when not everybody knows what it means?!
TTML - I'm guessing "Time to make love"..?

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