In defence of smokers ... before you semd the American Special Forces to shoot them all ...
The tidal lung volume (normal breath) of an adult is 0.5 litres.
A cigarette gives about 20 drags.
So, smoking 1 cigarette, an adult will breathe 10 litres of fumes into the air.
A small 1,000cc car, idling at 900rpm displaces 900 litres of fumes.
If a smoker smokes 20 a day, that's 200 litres of fumes.
So a 20 a day smoker takes over 4 day to produce as many fumes as your small car produces in 60 seconds.
And if you are driving along at 3,600rpm, you car will belch out those fumes every 15 seconds.
If you make one 20 minute journey each day, you have belched out more fumes in week than a heavy smoker produces in 7 years !!
And before you wonder which fumes are the more unpleasant, go and kneel down behind your exhaust pipe with the engine running! (actually, no, don't ... seriously).
So ... all you anti smokers ... I hope you don't make any 20 minute journeys this week, otherwise you'll have to stop driving for 7 years to let the smokers catch up with all the filthy stink you have produced.