I joined this site a few days ago with the intention of posting a question re:holidays. However I didnt bother in the end and did a bit of research on the net instead. Tonight I thought that Id have a better look around this site and discovered the religion section. After a quick look through it I can see that there seems to be a few more unbelievers in religion than believers.
I was just wondering how many EX believers there are on here? I am an ex evangelical born again christian (I now waver between agnosticism and atheism but dont sweat over it),
Looking back on my life I find it difficult to believe that I once defended some of the most ridiculous teachings and doctrines ever to be thought up.
Ive nothing against religious people as such but their lack of reason needs to be challenged.
As a child I was brought up as a non-practicing Muslim but when I got to the age where I could understand what religion was I started veering towards atheism. This was in my early teens.
I too am an ex-pentecostal born again christian. I still cannot believ I wasted en years of my life llistening to their BS and defended the christian belief system and it's ridiculous claims. What was I thinking!!!