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Do you admire the Queen?

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tonywiltshire | 15:44 Sun 23rd Oct 2011 | Society & Culture
102 Answers
I find it difficult to admire the Queen. All her life she has been looked after to the highest possible standards in all areas, she has done a good job but so have millions of other people, she does not know what it is to be in a queue, wait for service or worry if her children will find a job. She has people to arrange the smallest details in her trips and plenty of people to fawn over her. I believe a person doing a job they may dislike to maintain a family because it is their duty is more deserving.

I know if we had a President they would receive all the advantages now afforded to the Queen but at least we could change them every few years.


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I've nothing against the Queen or any of the royals but I don't see that they do anything to be admired for really.
15:54 Sun 23rd Oct 2011
we will agree to disagree JTH

I find your remark rather condescending.
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She wears very nice hats!
I admire HM for everything she has done for this Country and the grace she has shown in the face of adversity. To call her a parasite is a despicable thing to say. I think the DOE is hilarious and Charles is an exemplary figure.

Vicious Andy on the other hand...
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Avaricious Andy I meant...
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Yes you are quite right. He rang her and convinced hher not to wear her seatbelt that night.

You should come visit Earth sometime. It's quite nice here.
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Charles is an exemplary figure?

You mean the Charles that goes around promoting Homeopathy and called himself an enemy of the enlightenment?

That one?

Well exemplary if you're a Hippie I guess
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They're Welsh aren't they, does that answer your question, and they have little stumpy legs!
Well I guess I must be a hippy then. Jake said so!

I'm just going to mop the floor but I'll be right back...
Charles is an exemplary figure? An example of what? IMO an example of a person with no idea how many of his subjects live, and with high-flown ideals which bear no relation to real life.

The Queen has her bras made to measure by Rigby and Peller.
I support the monarchy in that I'm pro-Elizabeth...........not so sure about Big Ears though.
I like big ears :-)
So do I. A very charming man.

The only notable figure with the balls to refuse to associate with China.
One point to Charles, then, NoM - but he still evidences that he lives on a different planet to the rest of us, in terms of everyday living.
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