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urban legend - or not?

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joko | 19:15 Fri 30th Dec 2011 | Society & Culture
29 Answers
my boyfriends workmate told him a tale, he claimed to be true and he knew the lad it happened to ... but it sounds familiar and like an urban legend to me... can anyone tell me - i searched online but couldnt find it

basically, 2 lads were enemies, (call them dan and sam) and one day they found themselves in the same house, so keen to bury the hatchett dan says he has a girl upstairs in bed, blindfold and tied up and offers her to sam as a 'peace offering'... he says the lights off so she wont know its not dan as long as he doesnt speak ... sam thinks 'great', goes upstairs and starts having sex with the girl... dan bursts in and turns the light on... the girl is sams sister...

sam and his sister have barely any contact now and have counselling etc...

what do you think? true or not?



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soorry, that's "true - not" rather than "urban legend - not". It doesn't sound remotely plausible.
I've not heard this exact one, but it's a variation on a theme that's been doing the rounds since the early days of the Internet.
Sounds like the fevered imaginings of a pubescent boy. Does it sound remotely plausible? How do they 'find themselves in the same house', just think about the circumstances described, it's complete tosh.
And, what girl would stay tied up and left alone and not scream the place down?
And what bloke would take that offer!

I'd either make my excuses and leave, then be straight on the phone to the police, or deck the bloke and go a make sure the girl was OK (which one depends on how big they were)
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Doesn't sound feasible to me.
Chuck is my hero x

and S-C is his able assistant x
I sometimes regret reading questions on here. This is one of those occasions.
Wasnt there a news story recently about a man paying his sister to have sex with him in a lift in a scottish train station?On second thoughts that may be the norm up there?
I'd imagine that they walked out of court after getting probation, looked at each other and gave each other a high 6.
^^^ I imagine there's a damn horrible family history behind all that... But then I'm horribly cynical.
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well obviously i don't believe it... hence why i am asking for some online verification to show this idiot - who swears blind its true....

i have also condensed his version here - just an outline - he told a full tale of why the lad was in the house, why she was in bed etc etc

I don't need 20 people telling me it doesnt sound likely - i know that - thats why i posted....

i was hoping for a link or something, to a similar tale - to shut him up - because he is always coming out with this sort of crap.
you asked "what do you think? true or not?"

So people told you.
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i asked if it was an urban legend ... if the story was 'true' in the sense that this bloke had not made it up himself...that it was a known story - i wanted some proof.., if i believed it, i would not be asking if it was an urban legend would i?

i also would not expect anyone on here to say ''oh yes that sounds definitely true'' - who would? and what use is that to me?
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Scots couple having sex in a lift....
that's just wrong ....on sooooo many levels!!

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urban legend - or not?

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