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Why do some Muslims believe that blasphemers should be killed?

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vetuste_ennemi | 10:15 Fri 23rd Mar 2012 | Society & Culture
119 Answers
I understand that some Islamic countries prescribe the death penalty for blasphemy. Is this because Sharia ordains it? If you are a Muslim do you agree with this?


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To answer the original question...It is simple logic, if you kill everyone that disagrees with you then you must be right.
09:18 Mon 26th Mar 2012
Keyplus, //And a good number of the people who call themselves clever and associate things with me from everywhere in the world have changed (or shall I say adopted) several different ID’s to come back once kicked out.//

Who would that be? I don’t know anyone here who’s been kicked out and has come back with a different identity. And I think such a slur demands a serious answer Keyplus - unless of course you have no answer because you’re lying again.

//I hit them where it hurts and I tell them what they do not want to see or hear.//

Oh, Keyplus. You really are funny at times. Wakey wakey! You’re dreaming again. :o)))

I don’t particularly want to talk about Mohammed and his child bride, Keyplus – but if you’d like to I have no objection. And if you want to pull up old threads, please be my guest – only do bear in mind that you never enlightened anyone.

Don’t feel sorry for me, Keyplus. Pity yourself.
What, no answer? Have you been fibbing again, Keyplus?
I haven't had time to read through all the answers to date, but this sort of question rattles my cage.
Blasphemy is one of the Ten Commandments, as written in the Old Testament. The Old Testament forms the basis of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Some believers (of any of these religions) choose to interpret the OT literally, some interpret it in different ways.

Islam has many divisions of faith in the same way that Christianity and Judaism does - Shi'ite and Sunni is to Islam as Roman Catholicism and Methodism is to Christianity and Ultra Orthodox and Reform is to Judaism.

Just as many British people don't agree with the government of the day many people rebel against the tenets of their countries that choose to adopt a strict interpretation of their holy book as the law of the land. Some of these rebels die for their cause.
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//by gaining the trust of non-believers ....//

No chance of that.

//in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.//

....or that!
Birdie - you have once again trying to prove Islam wrong from an anti islamic website. You have a habit of twisting verses of Quran and I know why, because you go to the websites that present twisted verses. That's all, and rest of your post has been ignored, as usual.
/has been ignored/ whom?
Keyplus, you have accused someone here of being thrown off the site and of returning under several different identities. Whilst I have no objection to people giving their opinions, albeit they may differ from mine, posts that cast unfounded derogatory aspersions upon someone’s character are a different matter entirely, and those I do object to in the strongest terms. Not entirely unexpectedly, you have chosen to ignore my request that you explain yourself, so I’ll say it again. Tell me who the charge refers to and upon what evidence you are making it.
Keyplus, your silence says it all. You’re lying - again. Thank you for confirming that.
Keyplus, sorry but I am having difficulty trying to understand you.
Daisy, why are you apologising for not understanding him. You're not alone. No one in their right mind would understand him.
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Well, Birdie has been ignored again, we are into the Easter holidays now and nurseries are closed so we are bound to get more posts from little birdie now.
And here is more food for the people who like thinking. Seems to me that even the news reporters are reading what I left here few days ago.


And trust me that neither my other name is Tom Utley nor Tom Utley is a Muslim who believes that Children are always better looked after by mother and father should earn for any healthy society.


And another one


My wife only buys Daily Mail otherwise there might be more in other newspapers.
<<Children are always better looked after by mother and father should earn for any healthy society.>>

Ask Heather of Stephen West whether they believe that......
keyplus, I'm presuming you have a well paid job that affords you the luxury to have your wife at home? Not everyone can afford that. Especially with the cost of housing.
Keyplus, //Well, Birdie has been ignored again//

No he hasn't. You couldn't ignore him if you tried.

And still no response to my question? No, of course not. Honesty isn't your forte, is it Keyplus.
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Why do some Muslims believe that blasphemers should be killed?

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