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Why are people surprised

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ShallowQueen | 02:27 Sat 03rd Nov 2012 | Society & Culture
6 Answers
at the amount of victims that came froward in the J Savile case? surely if he was at it for 40-50 years or more there would be more victims?


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my gut tell's me 300 a year over 40-50 years.
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300 a year? That's almost one everyday.
Surely the surprise is that if that's many they've waited until now to say something.
They haven't waited until now. Some of them spoke out at the time. The police have interviewed Savile on a number of occasions.
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I think he may have had more than one a day. On TOTP he would have netted at least 300 a month.
When did he get time to raise money for charity ?

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