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well it is believed that we contain some neanderthal dna already, due to our anscestors cross breeding, so it could be argued that he/she would not be totally 'alone' in that respect as they wouldnt be 100% neanderthal anyway - they'd he half homo sapien.
they would have the woman, but also her family and friends as well... the ones who were accepting of this.
also they say a neanderthal could walk down the road and no-one would notice them, and certainly would not look out of place, even more so if they were half homo sapien.
i agree itd be very weird for them, and i wouldnt want them to be kept as some lab experiment, living in a lab its whole life etc, but i suppose the idea would be to have more neanderthal babies and eventually reintroduce the species to the planet in its own right.
there are good reasons not to try to bring back other animals as they are dangerous - but what danger is a neanderthal/homo sapien?
its a tough one i think, because there are so many reasons why itd be amazing ... but then there are still people on this planet that cannot handle a person of the same species with merely a different colour skin, so who knows how people would react to a person who actually is a different species.
maybe the problem is that not all homo sapiens are ready to accept someone like this ... i would like to think they would be celebrated by most people, rather than viewed as a 'freak' ...
i wonder if in the future, say, 300 years, when it is likely that racism is laughed about as a historical abomination - that a person like this would be welcomed and loved.